“Lord, allow me to never feel again, I’m unworthy to carry this gift of love that you designed for the human race”. "But as broken as I feel right now" “I know your touch alone can make my spirit revive and want to project on others what you have so long projected on me even without me opening my heart to it sometimes" " And as hopeless as things feel right now, I know there's hope, and you are the hope”. At this point it will ... Read the Post...
Let me first start by admitting that I am a huge Christian vlogger addict lol. It’s really reliving for me to come across girls/women on YouTube who take time to share and talk about the same belief systems that I do and it really gives me hope to know that they can be practiced and it is possible. As I continue to watch their videos, I have noticed a very profound pattern in all this, which is; they all have the “why I am saving myself for ... Read the Post...
Let’s admit it, working from home seems like a good idea until you actually are doing it. Don’t get me wrong it does have its pros, like for moms who are just loud noise away from their children lol Or how about working in the comfort of your space with no one telling you what to do or how to do it, and let’s not forget snack and break time whenever you call for it. However, without even realizing that the same things that look ... Read the Post...
I think we can all agree reading this that having inflammation is one of the worst things that can happen to our body, from pimples, unexplained rashes, stomach pains you name it. As someone who is prone to having candida, I have really learned how to nourish my body and know what foods to stay away from and those that are good for my immune system. Like many, I thought that eating healthy would really cost me till I learned that not all ... Read the Post...