Commonly asked questions when one picks the age are; when are you getting married? when do you plan on settling down? when are those babies coming? you are not growing any younger now.
In a world often fixated on the pursuit of romantic relationships and the ideal of marriage, especially due to the fact that it been deemed as a standard for a happily ever by human reasoning
The choice to remain single can seem counter-cultural, particularly within Christian communities where marriage is traditionally esteemed.
However, there exists a profound and often overlooked truth: it is not only acceptable but also commendable to embrace singleness as a Christian, but so often we are sucked into the trendy Christian topics of finding the spouse
How to be the right husband or wife, and I know they mean well, and they should be preached and talked about, but that should not merely be the topics addressed in churches as most times, they make others feel like completion in Christ can only happen when you find a suitable person for your life.
My aim for this blog post is not deem the choice to marry as a Christian and upplight the choice to be single, as both can have their ups and down sides but rather
To shed more light, and perhaps help you understand that regardless of choice so long as it’s in line with God’s values, is okay, and my choice to talk about choosing to stay single is because during my research, I have come to the understanding that it is not talked about enough in the Christian community and even more so celebrated.
Redeeming From Distractions
1 Corinthians7 vs 32-35 NIV “I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord’s affairs, how he can please the Lord. But married man is concerned about the affairs of this world, how he can please his wife, and his interest are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirt. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world, how she can please her husband. I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in the right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.
The Apostle Paul, in his letters to the Corinthians spoke directly on this topic as he extoled the virtues of singleness, highlighting how it allows undivided devotion to God and understandably so.
In a marital union it becomes a service covenant, responsibilities naturally expand to include the spouse and potentially children, which can sometimes detract from focusing solely on spiritual growth and service.
Choosing singleness frees individuals to dedicate their time, energy, and resources to pursuing God’s calling without the constraints of familial obligations, not to say that singleness is the only way someone will reach their full potential, and in that which God has assigned them here to do on earth, as God will always give you grace to fulfill your calling even in a marital setup
What I’m trying to bring up here is to make you see that choosing singleness may be a lot easier for ones life, especially when they are more focused on their calling and thinking of settling down with someone only feels second nature to their purpose in life .
Everyone has A Unique Calling
Psalm 139vs13vs14 NIV “For created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well.
Every individual is uniquely designed by God with specific talents, passions, and purposes.
For some, this may include a life devoted to ministry, missions, or service that is best facilitated through a single lifestyle unless you meet someone who is on the same timeline and purpose in this context
It may be advisable to look into singleness, than always have clashing schedules and accomplishments with a spouse, as it can sooner than later cause a strain in your union.
Singleness can provide the flexibility and availability needed to respond wholeheartedly to God’s calling, whether it be in remote mission fields Urban communities, or in specialized roles within the church
then one can ask, “what if I feel lonely or incomplete because I don’t have someone romantic by side helping me celebrate my accomplishments or Children to work hard for?”
You Will Always Be Complete in Christ
Marriage is often portrayed as a completion of an individual’s identity, yet, Scripture teaches that our ultimate fulfillment and completeness comes from our relationship with Christ.
It is normal for one to assume that they will not be complete as they will not have someone by their side but be reminded in Colossians 2:9-10 NIV “For in Christ all the fullness of Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.
Singleness allows Christians to deepen their spiritual intimacy with God, finding their identity, purpose, and satisfaction solely in Him.
God is the author of emotion, and He knows when best to open up certain emotions when needs be, the devil often tries to convince us that we shall never be complete without certain benefits that come with a martial setting therefore, making us doubt the gift of singleness and make us feel like we are uncapable of handling it.
But in Christ, there is a profound relationship that transcends earthly bonds and provides a sense of wholeness that is independent of marital status
It is important to reminder as a believer that is not a human that brings completeness in one’s life, so regardless of whether you are married or single, if you have not found your identity, purpose and love in Christ, you will never feel complete regardless of which direction you choose to take in life.

Serving the Kingdom
Remember your life is solely dedicated to the things of God’s kingdom before anything else.
Jesus Himself exemplified a life of singleness and dedicated service to God’s Kingdom Matthew 19:12 NIV, “For there are ennuchs who were born that way, and there are ennuchs who have been ennuchs by others, and there are those who choose to live like ennuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it”.
While He had a choice to set an example of what a perfect marital household would have looked like
He chose not to, His ministry was not hindered by marital obligations but rather flourished through His unwavering commitment to fulfilling the Father’s will, not say that Jesus chose singleness because it was easier for Him cause after all
He is our groom and we are His bride, I believe He chose a single life and yet still encouraged the ways of having a marriage that fits Godly standards, to show us that purpose over carries the act of romantic companionship
As it not a spouse that helps you enter the kingdom of heaven, but how you helped advance the kingdom of God during your time on earth.
Similarly, single Christians have the opportunity to serve God wholeheartedly, engaging in acts of compassion, evangelism, discipleship, and advocacy that impact lives and advance His Kingdom.
Community and Support
Contrary to the misconception that singleness equals loneliness, the Christian community offers profound support and fellowship, as one will not be the only one embracing this journey, and regardless of whether you choose to be single
It is still okay to befriend married people, as we all have a lot to learn from each other. Churches are meant to be families where individuals of all walks of life find acceptance
encouragement, and opportunities for meaningful relationships, and not just a place where one is promised to find a suitable partner when they choose to be a part of that community.
Single Christians can cultivate deep friendships, mentorship connections, and collaborative partnerships that enrich their lives and ministry endeavours.
Let has remove the stigma that only married people have the ability to answer questions that singles can
while to a certain degree, this can be true, it shouldn’t be made to feel like married couples are more beneficial in church setting compared to singles
As both are equally beneficial in their own right and each can be a unique gift to both the church and the community at large.
Embracing The Timing of God
Ultimately, the decision to marry or remain single should be guided by prayer, discernment, and a deep understanding of God’s will for one’s life and not just because of past hurt or because one is trying to prove a point merely with their own decisions and not God’s guidance.
While marriage is a beautiful institution designed by God, singleness should not be viewed as a lesser state and above reasons as to why have been given.
It is a season of life that offers unique opportunities for spiritual growth, service, and fulfillment that are equally valuable in God’s eyes.
At the end of the day, marriage is primarily an earthly choice, once we transition to the other side, we shall be with Jesus our universal groom, therefore making it no need to continue a life with spouse in heaven,
And that’s why, It is very important for one in their single season if they wish to marry to remain committed in the things of God and ask Him to help you easily identity someone who will help you advance His kingdom without destructions
As second to receiving Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, who you choose to marry may be the most important decision you will ever make in your life.
In a society that often measures success and happiness by marital status, but we Christians are called to view singleness through the lens of God’s Word and His purposes, and not just for the sake of having someone by other side.
It is not merely okay, but commendable to embrace singleness as a Christian as it is equally a gift, recognizing its potential for deepening spiritual intimacy, fulfilling God’s calling, and impacting the world for His glory will be fulfilled in life.
Whether single or married, our primary identity rests in being beloved children of God, called to live out His purposes with joy and purpose and having fun while doing it.
So, let us celebrate the beauty of singleness within the Christian faith, honoring those who choose this path, as they faithfully follow God’s leading in their lives, and above all, help each other grow in Christ regardless of the decision we choose to make.
This is a great post. I say don’t marry unless you truly want to and have found the right person, regardless of what society tells you.
This is some great biblical insight into this topic! May we each learn to embrace our specific callings from God! Thank you for this!
Thanks for tackling this topic. It’s not an easy one. I like the biblical perspective you brought to the table.
I really enjoyed reading this post. And you included great scriptures to back up your thoughts, very inspirational!
Very good! There’s nothing better than following Gods plan for your life! And nothing wrong with staying single! Thank you for this!
I can appreciate the ‘Everyone has A Unique Calling’ ethos. Trying to force yourself into some type of conformity with the norm is not healthy and may make you and your partner unhappy.