There is this famous saying that I often here which goes a little something like “love is love” in regardless of who you love.
While that may be true to a certain extent, it shouldn’t be used to edify every human emotion or justification based on our flawed reasoning mainly, because humans are not the creators of love, only but receivers and then sharers, therefore, we should look to the source of the creator and understand what it really means before making false definitions of it.
Christianity, the only religion that is rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible, has historically had varied interpretations regarding the topic of homosexuality.
To approach this topic with sensitivity and accuracy, it’s essential to explore what the word of God through His Scripture says, and how different denominations and theologians understand these passages.
Starting with the book of Mathew when the pharisees asked Jesus about divorce. We then read on how much He was clearly against it accept in the acts of infidelity. But here is the only marriage Jesus approved of in verse 4-6 NLV “He said to them, “Have you not read (referring to the book of Genesis 2v24-25) that He who made them in the first place made them man and woman? It says, “For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will live with his wife. The two will become one. ‘So, that they are no longer two but one. Let no man divide what God has put together.”
What we need understand as humans is that the scriptures are direct in the best way possible. If Jesus had acknowledged another type of marriage/union, it would have clearly been stated in scripture.
Biblical Passages and Interpretations
Old Testament Perspectives
- Genesis 19:1-11: The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is often the first one that is cited in discussions about homosexuality when giving the evidential proof of it’s unacceptance by God to the human race.
In this narrative, the cities are destroyed by God due to their wickedness, which some interpret as including homosexual behaviour given proof in verse 4-5 NIV “Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom both young and old surrounded the house. They called to Lot, “where are the men who you came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we have sex with them.”
- Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13: These passages are one of the first verses in the bible that prohibit same sex relations in the bible describing them as “an abomination” for the human race.
These texts are part of the Holiness Code, which was given to the nation of Israel, which includes various laws that they were supposed to submit themselves to, given by God.
Some modern readers see these laws as culturally specific and not directly applicable to contemporary Christian practice, and yet, Paul, through the Holy spirit, give the same instructions for the Church today.
New Testament Insights
- Romans 1:26-27: Paul’s letter to the Romans includes a passage that discusses same-sex relations in the context of idolatry and human rebellion against God, ending with God’s judgement/ punishment for their sinful actions.
- 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and 1 Timothy 1:9-10: These chapters list “men who have sex with men” among those who will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
A call to use wisdom
It still saddens the hearts of all that know the truth behind this human practice, that will forever come in between the original design that God intended for the human race and sexuality, to be fruitful and multiply.
Which we then arrive to some questions like “So, does that mean I can’t be homosexual and Christian?”
what I will advice on this statement is; fully surrender you heart and life to God, and watch Him give you purpose, and convict you in areas that are necessary.
Humans, particularly humans in the Christian faith, often advice from a place of dos and don’t and many times, forget that the lost souls being preached to, first need to have a relationship with God for them to understand where we are coming from with certain things
Another point I would want to bring about regarding this question is, what relationship do they have with God that will allow them to feel comfortable being a person practicing homosexuality and claiming to follow God?
The same God that prohibits us from sinful acts, and homosexuality being one of them?
It is often argued that God made others gay, trans and lesbians and all those other things, but yet God in His word, said when we created everything, He saw that it was good Genesis 1vs3.
So then, why would God then create everything with an intended purpose and see that it was good then man argues against His nature and power?
My question then becomes, who’s authority are you submitted to, that makes you feel like you are not good enough, or perfect under the eyes of the creator of this universe, and allows you to see yourself different from how He sees you?
Which also brings about some arguments of why Christians tend to follow a book (the bible), that is man made, and some even claiming that it is has been washed down over the years to Favor traditional Christian beliefs.
forgetting that yes, it may be man made but certain God breathed, as the words written were not their own, but of the God through the Holy Spirit that lived in them.
We are in a time where all forms of “truths” and “religious” practices are celebrated, but I will give my take on this; as someone who often rustled with the convictions and directions God gave me, and then later saw the breakthrough I had in my life when I finally chose to surrender to His will for my life
My advice is to someone going through this season is this; embark on a search for the real truth and true meaning of life, purpose and faith and I will guarantee you that you will arrive at the feet of Jesus.
The grand tapestry of truth is Jesus as the word says in John 14 v6 in the NIV “Jesus answered, “I am the way the TRUTH and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Is love really just Love?
The great Apostle Paul in the book of gives an account of what real love is in the NIV, which states, “Love is patient, love is kind, love does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in the evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Two points that stand out to me in this description:
1.It is not self seeking- many are times where humans place their identity in fleshly satisfactions and acceptance.
Why is it that now more than ever, we have become a generation that is so focused in bringing awareness self truth, and what we feel is right for us, and set aside what God wants to do through us.
It is important to remember that our life was bought at the greatest price, which is the sacrificial lamb of God Jesus Christ, this life is more than just about our emotions, and what we feel is wrong or right, but rather what does the word of God say about us.
2. Love does not delight in the evil but rejoices with truth- arguably Christianity is one of the most mocked religions as of today.
There is absolutely no one who can claim to rejoice in the truth, if what they are celebrating is what the prince of truth is against.
Homosexuality destroys the ability to have a balanced household. While some may argue and say a same sex couple has the ability to raise a child on love, it is also true to note that, love is not the only thing that is required fora balanced household according to the bible.
Marriage was created by God and not man, to be a representation of Christ and His bride the Christian community.
Christ being the male which means, the protector, provider, washes His bride with the word and represents her back to Himself just like Ephesians 5vs 25-28 tells us, while and us being the bride, meaning, we have to submit to Christ, be nurturers and receive the word and preach it as we are given just like verse 21 tells us.
Like wise our children need to grow up in households of a true Christian representation.
Where they are both natured and provided for, while some same-sex marriage will argue that there is both in their household, truth of the matter is, man will never duplicate what God has innately placed in a in a man and woman on earth to provide for an offspring’s emotional well being, regardless of what society tells us.
Modern Interpretations and Denominations
How ever, it is important to note that still, different Christian denominations interpret these Scriptures differently:
- Traditionalist Views: while there is us who hold to a traditional understanding, and believe that Biblical texts clearly condemn homosexual behaviour here on earth. we often emphasize the importance of adhering to Scripture as the ultimate guide for moral conduct.
- Progressive Views: Other Christian groups advocate a more inclusive interpretation, arguing that the core message of the Bible is love and acceptance, regardless of who you love. They suggest that the texts often cited against homosexuality, have been misinterpreted or taken out of context, as the bible has been translated over the years. They emphasize that the overarching message of Jesus is one of love, compassion, and inclusion.
- Middle Ground: Some denominations often want to seek a middle path, affirming the dignity and worth of LGBTQ+ individuals, while engaging in ongoing theological reflection about the Biblical texts without condemning each side. These groups often focus on fostering important dialogues and understanding, rather than making definitive doctrinal statements so everyone can somewhat be happy at the end of the day.
A Call to Have Compassion among Christians
In examining the relationship between Christianity and homosexuality, it is very important for us to centre the discussion on the core Christian values of love, empathy, and reverence. Jesus’ teachings emphasize loving one’s neighbour and showing kindness to all people because each person we see out there is someone Jesus thought to die for regardless of the sin they are in.
Matthew 22:37-39: Jesus commands, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and equally to Love your neighbor as yourself.” This call to love can guide Christians in how they engage with LGBTQ+ individuals, regardless of their interpretations of specific Biblical texts. Therefore, to not attack them or shame them, as we are all sinners saved by grace
The relationship between Christianity and homosexuality is complex and one that is hard to digest, reflecting a wide range of interpretations and beliefs. As us Children of God approach this issue, it is vital to approach it by grounding discussions in the core Christian values of love and respect. Believers can navigate these challenging conversations with grace and sensitivity, just like how Jesus would want us to.
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