Many of us desire a very blissful marriage that will glorify God and stand as a true testament of His power.
But the devil does not want that for us, his mission is to destroy the beautiful union of marriage that the Lord has gifted us with here on earth
And to destroy the true representation of what the relationship of God, and the church looks like to the world
We ought to realize that marriage was created by God, and we are only to use His ways to walk in it and sustain it for as long as we live here on earth
Marriage is not a mere decision that people may make it seem to be, and it should not be taken for granted
We need to keep in mind as believers that with whatever doors God opens for us, we are to cherish and honor them with our entire life, and not take them lightly
Especially we as women, need to be thankful to God that He has entrusted us to be vessels that will build a home, and be virtuous gate keepers of what goes in and comes out of our homes.
There is so much power and anointing in a woman who kneels before God every day, to ask for covering in all areas of her life, and her household and;
Blessed is a man who finds a woman that is willing to go down to the pits of hell, by the power of the highest God, and defeat every attack that wants to enter their life
One who realizes that the enemy did go after the first God founded marriage, and it won’t stop him from going after hers, and that’s why she needs to lean on God
So she and her husband don’t fall in the traps of the enemy, and represent a wrong picture of what marriage is supposed to look like.
The devil will try to use many tactics for our marriage/ future marriage, and that’s why it is very important to use wisdom
And realize that we cannot fight the enemy with the same tools he uses on us, yes, they are/ will be disagreements in marriage, but it is good to always remember that no one is perfect
And that’s why, it is important to be in consistent prayer, and surrender to God so that through the Holy Spirit, He will give us the right heart posture of how to handle marital disputes
And the right prayers and guidelines to follow, so they don’t keep recarrying in our marriage
We need active and loving husbands/ fathers in the home, no matter how much society will try and glorify single parent homes, it is our job to remember that’s the plan of the enemy
He knows that the man is the head and the protector of the home, and woman can’t do that. A man leaving the home, is like the shepherd leaving his sheep astray to fend for themselves
It is true that God gives man instructions of how to run his household, and protect his home. And as women, we have to make sure he is protected by God, in all areas of his life through prayer
So here are eight prayers that every woman needs to prayer for her husband, and if you are believing God for marriage;
Better start covering him now, so the plans of the enemy won’t attack your future union
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Heavenly Father, I thank you for the gift of marriage that you have
Blessed us with, I ask that you help us to continue putting you at
The center of this union, I ask that you will not let the plans of the
Enemy dominate this marriage and make us feel like we should submit
To the ways of a worldly marriage. Help me submit to your son as
He submits to your authority and instruction, In Jesus’ name I pray
Heavenly father, let righteousness dominate my husband’s heart instead
Of lustful desires. Free him from the bondages of his past sexual and
Relational experiences with other women. Increase the spirit of self-
Control towards advances of other women, pornography and immoral
Thoughts, I ask that you allow the Holy Spirit to guide us and help us know
The ways in which to please each other physically as well as spiritually
And emotionally. I pray that enemy does not lead both of us in ways that
Will defile our marital bed. It’s in your son Jesus Christ I ask all this
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Heavenly father, as conflict arises in our household, I ask that you let our
Love towards each other dominate and know that it is the acts of the enemy
That will cause misunderstanding, I ask that you teach us the right way of
Conflict resolution and use scripture to resolve our arguments. You sent your
Son Jesus to bring peace into this world and I ask that you remember our
Household when such times happen, in Jesus’ name I pray
Heavenly father, help my husband make the right choices over his work
And finances. Help him become a man that will lean on the instruction
That you gave over men about being the providers of the household, give him
Proper instructions on the right paths that will help him build a career that
Will honor you and bring glory to your throne, and wherever he lacks
Increase my ability and wisdom to be the helpmate that you destined me
To be in his life, in Jesus’ name I pray
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Heavenly Father, thank you that you brought to me a husband and a best friend
One I could always go to in times of distress and when my days feel low, he
Is always able to put a huge smile on my face because he understands me, I ask
That you continue to build our friendship and bless our communication skills
Towards each other, I also pray that we may continue to find comfort and solution
When seeking answers first within our friendship, and when we fail to find the
solution, guide us to the right people that will help us and strengthen our friendship
In the process, in Jesus’ name I pray
Heavenly Father, help my husband make the right decisions over his social life
Guide him towards the perfect friendships that will help build him up and
Draw closer to you, release him from any friendships that will have a stronghold
To attack our household and cause him to turn away from your word, I ask that
You place him in wise counsel that will continue to advise him In the right ways
Of which a Godly man should live and guide a family ,In Jesus’ name I pray
Heavenly father, thank you for blessing your son to experience fatherhood
I ask that you equip him with instructions and guidance on how to raise our
Children/ future children. I pray that he instructs our offspring in ways that
Will bring you glory and ways that will equip them to face the world in a
Godly manner. And if they try to go astray, I pray that you equip him with
Wisdom to know the right ways that will bring them back to your kingdom
In Jesus’ name I pray
Shop The Power Of A Praying Woman Here
Heavenly father, thank you for gifting me with a man of your values that truly desires
Your ways and not the ways of the world, I ask that you may continue to increase
His intimacy with you because it is then that he will know how to love and protect
Our household, I speak against every evil attack that will try and attempt to push
Him away from your throne. Continue to give him wisdom and help him lean on you
Daily, with prayer and your word on how to demolish the plans of the enemy that may
Want to attack him, his family and future plans, in Jesus’ name I pray
[…] to my blog post 8 DAILY PRAYERS FOR YOUR HUSBAND OR FUTURE HUSBAND if you need some […]