I will start off by mentioning that one of the main reasons for God creating humanity was so that we could be in community and help each other grow in Him through Christ
Each one of us here on earth was given a specific gift and purpose that will glorify God while encourage others in Christ at the same time
That is why as believers, we need to be very careful with the company that we surround ourselves with because they could have a huge impact of how we choose to follow God
As the bible warns us in 1 Corinthians 15 vs 33 NIV “Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character
But I must note however that, in order to attract spirt filled friendships one must be in right standing with God and be willing to follow all His ways
The enemy knows that there is power in Godly friendships and that’s why he purposely leads us to unproductive friendships that won’t bring glory to God’s kingdom
And more often times create destruction and arguments amongst our friendships that will leave us devastated and later build in us pride to think we don’t need friendships to thrive on earth
Successful kingdom friendships are possible, but they require discernment and true submission to God be led to them
And for them to be successful, here are some ways in which you can be a God-fearing friend to others and require the same from them
Proverbs 24 vs 26 NIV “An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.”
It is very common in friendships to always want to sugar coat things so we don’t hurt anyone’s feelings. But how far will it take you if you continue to do that
And more importantly, how far will it draw away our friends from God if we continue to approve every sinful habit that they are doing
It is important to remember that all aspects of our lives are a representation of Christ, from what we say and yes even to the things we approve of
It is important to be honest to people and even more so to our friends, but doing it more so in gentle manner that will not make it look like we are better than them
But by using scripture to help them set their paths straight, in that way, God will be at the center of our honesty and we won’t lose a good friendship
Proverbs 11 vs 13 NIV “A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.”
Being in Godly friendships will have moments when we confess our sins to one other as the bible instructs us in James 5vs 16
It’s really heartbreaking to have a trusted friend tell all our secrets to others and demolish our character to the public
The beauty about Godly friendships is that they give us a safe space to reveal everything we are struggling with
And in return being offered extended grace from our friends. We are all flawed human beings, and friendships are about embracing each other’s flaws
While at the same time, helping each other over come sin so that we get closer and stronger in Christ

Mathew 5vs 16 NIV “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Like I mentioned, we are a representation of Christ, it is only through us that people will know God and how good of a father He is
How does being of service look like for a Christian friend?
Praying for one other and with others so that their relationship with God may be strengthened.
(Refer to my blog post 5 PRAYERS FOR YOUR CHRISTIAN FRIENDS for assistance)
Being an encouraging friend that someone may need when things become tough in their life, just to mention some. And just to add
With every friendship, make it a point to always ask for ways in which you can be of service to them and how you can make them grow stronger in Christ
James 4 vs 6 NIV “But He gives us more grace. That is why scripture says: “God opposes the proud and shows favor to the humble
The most prideful thing that someone might ever think is that they are better than others or even worse, know more than others
We are all finite beings which means our knowledge and wisdom will only come from our infinite father
We all ought to be grateful for the wisdom that God gives us and use it to share with others in humility as none of us can boast of anything we have here on earth
The same applies with friendships, they will never be prefect friendships on earth, at some point we are bound to make a mistake and cause hurt to others
It is important to quickly acknowledge our mistakes and ask for forgiveness, grace and ways in which we could make things better, that’s a sign of a humble heart
John 13 vs 34-35 NIV “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this, everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”
The world is cruel and has nothing but ugly things to offer, but as believers, we are to be grateful that we can find love in Christ who pours out His love to His people so they can share it with others
A Christian journey is a narrow road, a lot of people will not accept the views you share about God and His kingdom
And that’s why God wants us to be in friendships with one another so we can show love and encourage one another to keep going in our Christian journey
And not only that, it is also important to find out the love languages of our friends and try to show them love through those ways
Like for example, if your friend’s love language is acts of service, offer to help them run their errands every so often. Or if their love language is words of affirmation
Send them a scripture every day to remind them of who they are in Christ and all the wonderful things they can achieve through Him
Sometimes it’s the small ways that we show love that can make our Godly friendships grow and mature to the exact way God intended them to be

James 1 vs 19 NIV “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry
I think we can all agree that they’re moments when we are going through tough times and just want someone to vent to and a shoulder to cry on
Healing sometimes comes by letting our emotions out to our friends and letting them know how we feel at a particular time
And to be a good friend, it is important to use discernment and know when to speak and when to just let them vent, silence sometimes can speaks a thousand words
In such cases, don’t grow irritated and angry, understand that everyone’s healing journey is different and being a good friend also requires patience in knowing only God heals in His perfect timing
As someone who has been in a situation like this, you have no idea how much it means when someone offers you their time and let you say whatever it is that is on your mind
Never take such moments lightly, you might never know how much of someone’s life you are saving and helping heal just by being a listening ear.
Thanks , I’ve just been looking for information about this subject for a while and yours is the best I’ve discovered till now.
Your blog is very good.