I think we can agree that we all strive to be authentic, as real as possible to others and be the most humble person anyone will have ever encountered.
In this world where it seems like you have to put on some kind of a performance to get people’s attention, really puts people off being authentic because it seems like they will struggle to be accepted.
But who are we to judge people who do that because at the end of the day, it’s what everyone seems to focus on?
But how far are people willing to wear that mask and live for other people’s entertainment forgetting that there is so much freedom that comes with being true to who you are.
People tend to lose their identity and undermine their self-worth because of the useless things that society sometimes deems to be important.
To the one reading this right now that is in this boat right now struggling to find peace within themselves
Because they have mistakenly fallen into this trap of this “entertainment” that never seems to end
And feel like there is no way out, relax, take a deep breath and praise yourself for wanting get your life back on track.
It’s a really huge step to be self-aware and try to find yourself in a world where so many people are lost in the trap of attention seeking.
The most valuable gift you can give to yourself is the ability to be true to yourself and learn to love the authentic version of yourself
That you will be proud to introduce to people regardless of the environment you may find yourself in. but in order for you to do that, you must understand the habits of humble people.
Bear in mind that I am writing this knowing that they would be more habits, perhaps I would write a part two someday lol.
Here is a list of habits that every humble person tends to have.
THEY SPEAK THEIR MIND- in this day and age where everyone equates speaks your mind to having others suddenly bow down to your opinion, that is not the mindset of humble people.
There is a way to get a point across without being aggressive or deeming other people’s voices while doing so.
You don’t have to be the loudest voice in the room to feel heard.
There is a way to bring your point across and engage your audience in a calm manner and in a way that would make people feel comfortable with the words that are coming out of your mouth
Or the words being read. speak or write in a way that will leave room for people to freely give their own opinions towards the situation.
And always remember that your opinion will not always make everyone agree to what you’re trying to put across but it’s what you feel and don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise cause that’s what humble people do.

THEY HOLD THEIR STANDARDS AND BELIFS WITH HIGH REGARD- being blessed with the ability to know who you are also comes with certain standards and beliefs that you will carry that you will confidently display to others.
I must note however, that we live in a world which everyone has their own standards of living that they subscribe to.
We all come from different walks of life and embrace different things. Having a different standard of living from everyone else does not make you any better or any worse.
I once read a quote that changed my perspective on the way I view other people’s beliefs on things of the world which was
“It’s okay to believe what you believe in, what is not okay however is to force everyone to believe in the same things as you”.
Humble people have the ability to embrace their way of life but still give room for others to express themselves in what they believe to be true about something.
At the end of the day, it’s not about who’s right or wrong, it’s about if you able to live up to the standards that you have set for yourself
Or are you able to defend your belief systems with facts if someone were to come and ask you to do so?
THEIR GOAL IS TO UNDERSTAND THEMSELVES AND IMPROVE ON THEMSELVES- it will be very unfair especially to yourself to let someone set standards on your life and expect you to live up to them.
However, with these types of people, that’s not the case. Ever try pick a fight with someone based on the negative things you’ve heard or think about them and their comeback humbles you really quick lol?
That’s because they take time to know learn their strengths and quickness that no number of negative vibes will phase them.
How amazing would it be to reach this level of assurance about yourself that other people’s opinions about you become secondary to how you feel about yourself?
Good news is that is possible, I can assure you that it is possible with practice and time.
THEY NEVER COMPARE THEMSELVES TO ANYONE- everyone’s journey is different. To be a humble person is to have the mindset of always holding your own process of success and sticking to it.
Never compare other people’s experiences to yours. We are all born unique in our own right. It doesn’t make you any less important if you are not were all your friends are right now.
Eventually your cards will fall into place and you will be living out your dreams.
THEY SUPPORT OTHERS- to be a humble person is to understand that there is room for others to shine just as much as you do.
Society has time and time again pushed us to believe that there can only be but one person everyone should focus on at a particular moment.
How unfair is it to everyone else who has to follow this ridiculous rule?
These types always make sure to pull others to the top so everyone can shine. They aren’t selfish to share advice and shout out anyone who deserves it.
THEY EMBRACE THE PROCESS- unfortunately we live in a microwave generation where everyone expects success to come to them just like that.
Humble people know that nothing great comes easy. A process needs to be taken to achieve greatness; they aren’t demotivated to work as long as it takes to reach their level of greatness
Because they know they will learn and grow so much by embracing the process.

THEIR CONFIDENCE ILLUNIMATES- ever been in a place where someone walked in the room and immediately caught everyone’s attention just by appearing lol.
That’s just because they have mastered the act owning who they are that even their presence screams “I am okay with who I am and I don’t need to prove myself”.
Some say this is self-made and some say one is born with it but either way, it is beautiful and I must say sometimes a little intimidating to be around
Not because that’s what they make you feel but because you feel you are in the mist of greatness.
And the most unbelievable thing about all this is, they manage to do all this without saying a word lol or purposely trying to grab anyone’s attention by being loud or giving off a look at me vibe.
THEY ARE HONEST- these types of people are honest to themselves and with others.
They will give an honest opinion about something but not with the intention to put you down or look down on your efforts, but hoping that you will learn something from them and hopefully grow and become a better person.
They really are passionate about other’s people’s success sometimes as much as their own to a point where they don’t mind giving some tough love if they have to.
THEY NEVER TRY TO LIVE A DOUBLE LIFE- what you see is what you get with these people.
They will never stand on or speak of something that they can’t do themselves especially in this social media world where everyone appears to be perfect
Or confident all the time and yet dealing with a bunch of unspoken things behind the scenes.
It really is a blessing to come across such people or to have them in your life. If you do, hold on to them tight.
THEY DON’T OVERSHARE- sometimes the best moments don’t have to make it to the internet, right?
Something these types of people have learned to master. What benefit does it really give to share even the most unnecessary things in social media for a like or attention seeking comments.
But when they do share some personal information, they still leave room for a little mystery, enough for you to always want to go back and find out more and consider yourself extremely lucky when you do lol.
Do you know or are a humble person? It will great to know and hear about your experiences with such people.
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