It is true what they say that in order to attract what you want; you need to be the very same person you want. So many of us are constantly looking for the one without actually being the one someone would want to be with to be honest
What we need to know about God is that He is fair and just in all His ways, just like He wouldn’t let any ordinary men spoil His virtuous women, He does the same for His God-fearing men
God leads us to the path of value before He leads us to the path of marriage. In that He will lead you to things that will add value to your Christian walk especially in your single season
Like serving in Church, leading a department in church, praying and fasting more, you name it. That’s why, it’s very important for us to utilize our single season to develop our character and know our purpose
Before we meet our spouse, so in that way, we shall be able to easily choose who we feel our destiny will algin with
God knows who is compatible for each one of us, we may base our choice on our own sight and who we feel is convenient in the moment, while He picks based on who He knows will continue to add value to our lives 50 years from now
The more we get closer to God the more we realize our worth and the importance of marriage, and how much it really is a representation of His kingdom and how it brings glory to Him
God knows what’s best for us, sometimes we may feel weary and that marriage my never happen for us, even though He has given us the desire for it
But always remember to never settle, the enemy may try to make us feel less than and undeserving, but God has given us the power to fight his tactics
And in this period, it is important to develop these qualities that may make it easy for God to connect us to our kingdom spouse
2 Timothy 2vs15 NIV “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth”
This means that we must learn to set boundaries on who we let enter our life and places we choose to hang around, as well as what we choose to wear
Christian women should learn to realize that not all of their body parts are meant to be seen by everyone, just like not everyone needs to have access to their personal life
A woman who sets her standards and walks in those standards in dignity and confidence. It’s really hard to demand respect from people if your lifestyle isn’t in full alignment to God’s word
And that’s why as women of faith, we should be careful of what we view as respect, especially in today’s society and how they have painted the standards of what a modern woman should look like and behave
Hebrews 10vs 35 NIV “So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded”
I can tell you that there is nothing more attractive to a God-fearing man than a woman who is confident in her own skin and with the things of God
Confidence on comes from God, please keep that in mind. People’s affirmations should only come secondary to what God has already spoken about us
Women who lack confidence within themselves, often times tend to start bringing other people down in order to feel better about themselves
Or start to dress a certain way in order to attract unnecessary attention from the opposite sex just so they can feel good about themselves
It’s not our outward appearance that should determine our confidence, but rather how much wisdom and knowledge we have acquired from God
To know that even if the world is against our beliefs, we shall still stand firm in who God is and what He can do in our lives

2 Timothy 1vs7 NIV “For the Spirit of God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power,love and self-discipline”
I will associate this point to sexual purity. As I will acknowledge that lucky are those that marry a virgin, but unfortunately, not everyone will marry a virgin
However, it’s not that those that have had pre-marital sex before will not enjoy the benefits of a healthy marriage
Because we serve a God of abundant grace who forgives all sins when we willingly admit our wrongs and begin to embrace living the life of purity
Sex can get you a man but it won’t help you keep a man. And men of God are looking for women who are saving sex for a husband and not giving their body to just anyone that comes their way
Purity indicates to a man that you know your worth and you will not be tempted to step outside your marriage to find sexual fulfillment elsewhere
It also shows that you are a woman of honor who chooses to please God in all aspects of your life because you know it brings Him glory
2 Peter 3vs18 NIV “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever! amen
We all grow age wise and that’s inevitable. However, staying in the same mental space and not willing to change is every detrimental to our well-being and our Christian journey
This is also inclusive to marriage. They will be aspects of our life that will require change and growth in order for us to keep a healthy and long-lasting marriage
This idea of “this is who I am” really needs to be left behind especially if we hope to be virtuous women of God, because, once we surrender our life to God, He’s the one who orders the steps we follow
And in some seasons, we will be outgrowing certain things that were once our safety blanket and embrace what God knows is best for us even though it won’t make us comfortable
Ephesians 5vs22 NIV “Wives submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord”
A virtuous woman knows that submission to her husband is biblical because the husband is the head of the household
Men are natural leaders and hunters, especially men who submit to the authority of God and know that it is biblical to lead a woman in the Lord
It will be very unwise for Christian women to want to have the position that the Lord has already instructed men in the household, as their relationship will clash
A wise Christian woman will submit to a Godly man’s leadership because she knows that he gets his instructions from the Lord and will not want to purposely put her life in danger
1 Thessalonians 4vs 11-12 NIV “ And to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life; you should mind your own business and work with your own hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody”
Let’s not confuse submission with dependency as they are two different things. Children as most times will be required to be dependent on their parent’s decisions whether they like it or not.
A wife is a husband’s partner not child. If you can’t make even small decisions on your own then that’s a problem
Godly men don’t want to feel like they are your “savior” were he has to feel like he has to drag you to do almost any little thing in life
Where he feels like your validation comes from him. While ordinary men prey on such women for control, men of God flee because they want someone who wants them and not needs them

James 3vs13 “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom”
Like I mentioned, men look for partnership with women and not dependency. God-fearing men know that a woman who is fully walking in their purpose will be an assert to His kingdom assignment
It is important not to limit yourself as woman, you were created for a purpose and to live in the full capacity of what God brought you here on earth for
A man of honor will not be intimidated by your success because he knows that you are blessing that God has for him and will want to add to the already existing success that you have acquired by yourself
So don’t be afraid to grow your knowledge as far as you want to, it’s not intimidating, its attractive
Proverbs 14vs 25 NIV “A truthful witness saves lives, but a false witness is deceitful”
We are all flawed and we all have a past. Suppressing that past because we are too ashamed of what people will think about us is very unbiblical
A healthy relationship is one that embraces honesty on all aspects. The right people will not shame you for your past and all the wrong you did
Instead, they will embrace it and will offer to be your accountability partners so you don’t fall back to temptation
Even more so, the man that God has for you. He will be your biggest cheerleader and will appreciate your honesty and vice versa
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