Love!! An expression of acceptance that our Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated when He took away all of our sins on that cross.
A selfless act that He showed to us and that He requires from us to give to others, but then it should begin by loving ourselves
The bible tells us in the book of Mark 12 vs 31 “The second is this; “Love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no greater commandment greater than these.”
Which means at the measure that you love others, should be the same measure that you love yourself.
It really is difficult to love others if we don’t love and appreciate ourself and what we have to offer to others.
This especially applies to the romantic relationships that we choose to be in, as Godly relationships are to be an act of service towards each stage to demonstrate His love through us to our spouses
I really can’t emphasis how important it is for one to have a close relationship with God before anyone on earth, it saves you a lot of confusion and heartache and more than anything helps you pick right
As you will be guided by the Holy Spirit to know who is right and who will compliment the God given purpose that you are to fulfil here on earth
I do understand that it does get lonely sometimes, even more especially if God has given you the desire for marriage and Children
But the importance of having the Holy Spirit in your life makes that frustration a little easier as He will give you comfort in knowing that at the right time, it shall come to pass
And He covers your life and feels it with completion to know that you are already loved , chosen and accepted with or without a spouse
There are many ways to which we can make our single season fun, as it shouldn’t be a season of loneliness and but rather, a season of self-discovery and these ways are
If anything, this is the season where you have to lean into God for direction so you don’t choose a wrong spouse, which can be detrimental to your purpose
We so often get driven by our own emotions on who we feel we need to marry and forget that God is the author of marriage
His perfect will is better than our emotion led feelings on who our spouse is and He would love to partner with us in this area just like He does in all other areas of our life
Finding out your purpose in Christ really makes it easier to locate or be located by a God ordained person, the world view on marriage will not satisfy you the way God’s word will
So, pray and seek Him on who is best for you to marry and you will discover how much peace and respect you will be given in the relationship
Because, just as God is pruning and molding you to the woman that your husband desires, He is also doing the same to His trusted son

This comes with being content with who you are and embracing each season that God has you in at the moment
It sometimes gets hard especially in our friend groups when we feel like other people’s lives seem to be advancing faster than ours
But we need to realize that as believers, we are all called to fulfill a unique purpose here on earth, each one assigned by God to be fulfilled at specific time when He sees fit
Rushing any process as a believer really shows how much faith you are lacking in God’s timing and power and makes you overlook how unequipped you may not be for what God has instore for you
In each season of our life comes a lesson, and our job is that through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, are supposed to discover it and work on it whole heartedly
The longer we run away from acceptance of who we are, and lessons that will sharpen us and mold us into the best versions of ourselves in Christ, the longer we delay great miracles that God wants to work through us
I did go into detail about this topic in my blog post 5 WAYS CHRISTIANS CAN HEAL FROM THEIR BROKEN PAST on the importance of not carrying around negative things of the past
As they will not build you up in any shape or form but instead will only be a hinderance to the beautiful things that God has for you
Your single season should be a time to heal your broken traumas and reflect on things and people you will not be carrying into the next season of your life
Sometimes, we do miss the things that God wants us to have because we are still entertaining versions of ourselves that we haven’t healed from
It is only when we are healed that we begin to see things for what they really are and begin to create boundaries and identify things that are deserving for us and vice versa
As the bible says, loving yourself is important because you can’t pour from an empty cup, the best way to live a happy life is by learning how you want to be loved
And then teaching others how to love you because you would have already learnt your boundaries and accepted what is not and embraced what is
Self-love is important because no one is responsible for our happiness except ourselves, the more we learn ourselves, the easier we make it for others to love us
It makes it hard to be loved by others if we expect them to be our source of happiness, only God is our source of joy and happiness
The love of God is what fulfils us, not other people’s love, cause remember, they too are being poured into by God, so, it’s only a matter of time till they also run out
A healthy relationship should start with loving ourselves and not expecting others to fulfil what only God can

The bible tells us in Proverbs 27 vs 9 NIV that “Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice”
Godly friendships really strengthen us and keep us moving forward with the things of His ways, its really important to have a good circle of friends that hold you accountable
Pray with you when needed, advise you on ways you should go with the guidance of the Holy Spirit of course, and basically, people that you do life with
It becomes less of a lonely road when we have people around us that we share the same values with and want to see us live the best version of our life possible
And it’s better to have Godly friendships because through the guidance of the Holy Spirit ,they can actually tell us the truth if whether the relationship is best for us or not
Sometimes we can get blinded by infatuation so, we need people who are under God’s anointing to actually speak words of wisdom and encourage us on Godly ways instead of their own ways
And when we have trouble in the relationship, they will give us Godly direction on how to resolve the issues we are facing
So pray in your single season that God will provide the right friendships that will help you flourish and help you draw closer to him and not the things of the world
Your article helped me a lot, is there any more related content? Thanks!
This article was a joy to read. The enthusiasm is contagious!
Thanks for the hard work. I could almost see the sweat on the keyboard. Much appreciated!
The knack for making hard to understand concepts readable is something I greatly admire.
What a refreshing take on this subject. I completely agree with The points!
Each post is a journey, and The words are the map. Thanks for leading the way.
The unique perspective is as intriguing as a mystery novel. Can’t wait to read the next chapter.
You have a unique perspective that I find incredibly valuable. Thank you for sharing.