I think once or twice or even often times in our life we all meet someone and think to ourselves, this is it, this is exactly what God wants me to have
Often times we even think to ourselves, it can’t get any better, than this, from the butterflies in our tummy, to the heart drops we feel when the person walks into our presence oh gosh!! Perfection!!!
Not only that, but the two of you share the same values and beliefs, have similar pasts sometimes, when you speak, the conversations flow smoothly
So much so that it’s hard to think why God wouldn’t want this for you, but then reality sinks in, when you start to notice that the person doesn’t give you the same attention
And in worst cases, you even have to force a text back from them, a lot of signs will lead up to the relationship not working but we still carry on
More so because we have been programmed to believe that we have to fight to have what we know is best for us
But may I submit to you that there is a difference between fighting for something and working hard to make something work but we often tend to confuse the two
What we need to realize is that what God has for us will naturally fall on our lap if we remain in him as it says in James 4vs 8 NIV “Come near to God and He will come near to you, wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts you double minded”
You don’t have to force anything or lose yourself trying to please someone who for one wouldn’t even do the same for you, so here is what you must do instead
It is not our job to force people to see our worth, just by being who God has created us to be is enough for someone to see if we are going to make sense in their life or not
I’ve been guilty of this so many times in the past, thinking, if I could just act this way or dress like this or change my personality to fit their standards, maybe they will be more drawn to me
But guess what?! They didn’t!!! and the experience and time I did all that left me worse and more confused than I was when they decided to cut me out for good
Holy spirit is our advocate, God made it easier for us here on earth, if you feel that the person is the best fit for you and God has confirmed it, then He will do the same to them
God is the best match maker, His the one that created you and knows exactly what is best for you and He’s just waiting for you grab hold of it
Know your value in the Lord and all the precious things that are written about you in His word, you are too good of His masterpiece (Ephesians 2vs10) to lower your standards and think you deserve anything less than His best
Knowing your worth includes knowing your value and what you have to offer to others, realizing that you might not be for everyone but you are to the ones that God sends in your life
It also includes accepting your physical attributes as they are regardless of whether they are accepted by society’s standards or not
Remember that God makes no mistakes, He knew what He was doing when creating you the way He did, He knew that what you feel are your flaws will be accepted once placed in the right hands/ the right people

The statement let go and let God aligns perfectly with this point. Sometimes we do think that we have found the one and it won’t get any better than this
But rarely do we think that the reason why the connection doesn’t seem to align is because God knows that the person may not align with the things and places that He is about to take us
Some day, you will look back and be glad it didn’t work out because, as easy and cliché as it may sound to many, God really knows what He’s doing
Trusting God’s plan may include ways that will not make sense to us in present time, even though you are still emotionally attached to the person right now
Distance yourself from the person, and begin to allow God to heal you from the heartache that you may be feeling in this present moment
I know this time may make you feel that you are underserving of God’s best, but you are more than deserving
God may have sent that person in your life in that or this season to teach you what not to tolerate and know the difference between a counterfeit and God sent relationships
Take this time to reflect on what you have learnt from this experience, what you lacked and what you will not do the next time you feel like the cycle is about to repeat itself

Communication with God should be on a daily basis and every time if you are a believer. An intimate relationship with God can save you from a lot of drama in most physical relationships you may want to put yourself in
God will actually be able to help you see the circumstance from a different angle either through Godly counsel or the Godly relationships that you form
And sometimes, the Holy Sprit will speak to you directly to know that the person you want a relationship with is definitely not the one God wants for you
Even though most times we may try to ignore because of all the emotions we have for the person and that’s why
Prayer is really powerful and as a Christian it shouldn’t be taken for granted or overlooked. The bible tells us in Mark 11 vs24 NIV “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
The throne of God has all the answers that we are looking for. It is where we will find peace, confidence and acceptance before anywhere else
He will make a way and make happen what needs to happen so effortlessly that you will fail to believe it with your own eyes
Sometimes, we try to force things because we feel that we are running out of time and we need to be in a relationship but God is the author of time and He knows when we are ready to receive His best
There is no need to rush anything. While this situation maybe disappointing, pray for God to direct you to places and steps where His will for your life is
Sometimes the way He will answer the prayer will not be in a way that we expect and the steps He will ask us to take may not make sense but that’s where trust in Him comes in
Trust that prayer is protection and be ready for the answer that God has for you, but, knowing that He only gives the best that will leave you in awe and praising Him in His miraculous ways
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