Growing up, I often heard this statement, “no one knows you better than you know yourself”. Which can be true, but only to some extent
Because, we still come across various predicaments in our lives that we don’t even know the answer to or how to go about to solve them
That sometimes, we even go to the extent of asking others for ways that will help us climb the mountains that we are facing
But still, we selfishly try to convince ourselves that we know our ins and outs, what gets us mad what gets us sad,
It is only when we have a true encounter with God that we realize how much we have blinded our hearts and minds with that statement
Now, let me then submit to you that no one knows you better than the way God knows you and that’s a fact!!
The bible tells us in the book of Ephesians 1vs 5 NIV “He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will”
His will for our life is to stay under His protection, as we worship and praise His holy name. Protection from God, is the strongest form of covering any person will ever receive here on earth
As a person who practiced new age beliefs, I would tell you that there is nothing powerful and protective about them
All they do is bring about confusion and make you lose sight of what God has called you here on earth to do and make you create a world that God may not have wanted you to be in to begin with
And the importance of knowing your identity in Christ is that
Romans 12vs 2 NIV “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-His good, pleasing and perfect will
The world will try to offer us fleeting pleasure and make us feel loved and accepted as long as we maintain a certain image and do what it takes to stay relevant in its ways
God however will not give us any temporary conditions when wanting to be a part of His kingdom. He accepts us for who we are but loves us enough to not let us stay the same
The world will offer you frivolous happiness but God will provide joy that is unexplainable even when you are facing the hardest battles in life
You will know how to face hardships and not back down from them and look for other ways to solve them because you know that you are not fighting them alone and that God is by your side empowering your strength
And you will begin to understand the importance of process and time in all things, knowing why God has you waiting and the lessons to be learnt in your waiting season
Nothing that comes from the Lord is temporary. What He wants is to give us knowledge and wisdom to know good from evil so when He gives us treasures, we are to know how to use them for His glory and not for our own benefit

Perhaps one of the most common bible verses in the bible John 3vs16 NIV “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
God sent His one and only son to die for our sins while we were still sinners, and honestly while He has nothing to gain from us, He still thought to do the most sacrificial thing no one could do
Which is give us an eternal happily ever, the bible in the book of Mathew 18vs 12 says that He leaves the 99 for one. There is nothing more or less that we can do to earn God’s love, a very humbling realization
Now that does not mean we ought to continue being in sin because He forgives, let’s not forget that God is just in all His ways and He will not allow us to take His love for granted
But still, His love remains so pure and His understanding towards us still remains unmatched, so faithful in His ways and makes us feel complete as we take this beautiful journey of life with Him
Then sent His son, all human but yet sinless, not to judge us but to redeem us and save us from the most unthinkable punishment ever, which is death
And while on this earth, God still brings to us people of faith that will demonstrate to us what Godly love and relationships are to feel like
His so thoughtful in all His ways, that, its hard to even feel deserving of all the things that He does and provides for us especially in times of need
God is love, His presence is a blessing and a relationship with Him is strengthening, they may be a lot of ways that we will try to find fulfilment in our lives but surrendering to God’s will may be the best thing we can do

When the Holy Spirit comes into our lives after we receive Christ as our personal Lord and savior, He immediately begins to prune us and make us realize of our sinful nature
Pleasing God comes easy when you are willing to give up your fleshly desires for His will to prevail on this earth
Just as Christ came on earth to serve Mark 10vs45, you will understand the importance of being a living sacrifice to God’s kingdom and want to be used as His vessel in any way that He sees fit
A Christ like nature is not seeing the good in others but the God in others, this means you will begin to see others the way God sees them
And you will want for them to experience the life changing moment that you did when you accepted Him into your life, and this can only happen if you have the Holy Spirit in you
Having a Christ like nature empowers people to know the power of God through us and for them to want to have a deeper understanding of who He is
That’s why, we are to be careful of what we say and do to those people who are trying to have a relationship with God or haven’t yet come to Christ because it can make or break their decision
Like I mentioned, God is love, and so, if we are to do anything well in our life, is love others, in whatever way that may translate to them
As the bible tells us in the book of 1 Corinthians 13 vs 13 NIV “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Love moves the hearts and minds of people, because we all need it and even more so, we all need to know how it feels to be loved by God, and if you are do anything to the fullest capacity while you are alive is, love in the way that God loves you
Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, and I’m encouraged