As a human race, are now living in an era marked by a burgeoning interest in New Age philosophies, and astrology by many regardless of whether they are Christian or not.
Understandably so, as many individuals are drawn to these spiritual practices in search of meaning, guidance, and connection of a high source.
We all crave to find meaning in this life, why we act and behave the way we do, and the driving force behind our life.
Deep in our souls, there is knowing that there is a greater power, a power much bigger than us which in the Christian faith, we believe that to be God, however, the power in which we decide to submit to is entirely up to us.
For Christians, however, integrating these new age beliefs into our spiritual lives can present profound theological and existential predicaments.
The core of Christian doctrine and practice, provides ample reasons why New Age and astrological beliefs are not only unnecessary for one’s relationship and growth in Christ, but can also be spiritually counterproductive.
My aim in this blog post, is to explore the reasons why Christians might reconsider or reject the incorporation of these practices into their faith, journey because not only may some be man made, but some may actually be practices of the enemy, therefore leading one into blind devil worshipping, furthermore, advancing the kingdom of darkness instead.
My hope however, is for me to properly articulate the dangers of these practices, especially in the Christian community, as the bible reminds us in John 14 vs 6 of Jesus teachings in the NIV, when He said “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
1. The Primacy of Divine Revelation
At the heart of Christianity, is the conviction that God has revealed Himself through Scripture and the life of Jesus Christ as stated in the book of John 1vs1, in the NIV “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God”.
This revelation is seen as complete and sufficient for understanding divine will and purpose, as one can only find who they are in God because, He is the creator, and we are the created therefore invited by him to fulfill His intended plan for humanity.
The Bible, regarded as the inspired word of God, provides us Christians with comprehensive guidance on living a life of faith, making decisions, and understanding this divine plan.
New Age and astrological beliefs however, often suggest that additional sources of spiritual knowledge or mystical insight are necessary, and more than self gain based, rather than complete surrender to the will of God.
These practices propose that the cosmos, energies, or alternative spiritual systems can provide unique guidance or wisdom, and often fail to acknowledge the divinity of God.
For Christians, this can be problematic, as it may imply that the divine revelation provided in Scripture, is incomplete or insufficient.
Christianity teaches that God’s revelation through Christ and the Bible, is both complete and authoritative, rendering supplementary sources unnecessary. Everything one needs, is found in the kingdom of God
There is nothing that one can seek, and find here on earth that will give them complete wholeness the way God can.
And the sad reality is that, curiosity in people’s mindsets will not allow them to believe that this can be true.

2. Theological Concerns: God’s Sovereignty and Human Agency
Astrology and New Age philosophies frequently emphasize the influence of cosmic forces, energies, or celestial bodies on human lives, therefore prompting to believe that one can be a god to themselves
What I mean by this is that, the perspective can inadvertently shift focus away from the sovereignty of God and His authority, suggesting that human destinies are heavily influenced by external, impersonal forces, rather than by God’s direct will.
And even more so, may tend to shift focus into the “seeing is believing” aspect, and denouncing the spiritual relationship aspect of God and mankind.
Christian doctrine asserts that God is sovereign over all aspects of creation, and that He has a personal and intimate relationship with individuals, one that each one of us is supposed to experience on a unique level with Him.
According to Christian beliefs, human lives are not governed by the stars or cosmic energies, but by a loving and omnipotent God who desires a personal relationship with each person, through the aspect of receiving Him as your personal Lord and Savior.
Engaging with astrology or New Age practices may carelessly undermine this belief, and override the truth that the bible gives us because, it is suggesting that human lives are subject to deterministic forces beyond divine control.
3. The Risks of Syncretism
Galatians 1vs6-9 “I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and turning to a different gospel, which is really no gospel at all. Evidently, some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one, we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!
One of the significant dangers of integrating New Age and astrological beliefs into Christian practice, is the risk of syncretism, which is ridiculous when one understands how different both are from each other.
Syncretism occurs when elements from different religious, or spiritual systems are combined in ways that may dilute or distort the core teachings of Christianity, and therefore, making one seem like they are doing the right thing.
As examples can be given when we often here people say, “I’m Christian and I’m also A Virgo”
Another example, New Age practices often involve elements of Eastern religions, mysticism, or occult traditions like burning sage in their homes to chase away bad omens, or keeping crystals for good luck, that can be at odds with Christian doctrine.
By incorporating these elements, Christian’s risk compromising the purity of their faith.
The Bible warns against adopting practices that are contrary to the teachings of Christ and the early church, like what we read in 1 John 4 vs 1 in the NIV, “Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”
Syncretism can lead to a diluted understanding of Christian theology, and ethical teachings, and lead to celebrating ways that lead to hell, as they block a relationship with our Savior.
4. The Focus on Christ-Cantered Transformation
Christian spirituality, is deeply rooted in the knowing that transformation and guidance come through a relationship with Jesus Christ, and the works of the Holy Spirit.
The Christian path emphasizes personal conversion, spiritual growth, and ethical living as fruits of this relationship, like reading your bible, listening to worship songs, fasting and the like as they are central to the transformative process.
New Age and astrological practices, often propose alternative methods for self-improvement, enlightenment, or spiritual growth, therefore, making one to believe that their human nature/mindset has the power to change things around them if they believe.
These practices may promise quick fixes or esoteric knowledge, which can detract from the Christian emphasis on a Christ-Centered transformation, as one will wonder to themself the purpose of needing God in their life, if they can do things in their own strength.
True spiritual growth, according to Christianity, comes from the ongoing process of being conformed to the image of Christ, not from external mystical insights, as He is the creator of all things and
His is indeed purpose was for man to worship and praise His Holy name, and worshipping any thing other than Him is considered idolatry.

5. Ethical and Moral Implications
New Age and astrological practices, sometimes involve ethical and moral frameworks that are inconsistent with Christian teachings.
As previously discussed, the belief in cosmic forces or energies, can lead to a focus on personal empowerment and self-centeredness, rather than self-sacrificial love and service to others, as the gospels preaches, which are central tenets of Christianity.
The foundation of the Christian faith is founded on Love, as John 3vs16 reminds us.
It is the Love that is poured on us from God, that we then pour on others through the gifts He has given us, that sets us apart from the world belief systems. By contrast, some New Age practices may emphasize self-fulfillment or personal gain.
Christians are called to live out their faith, in ways that align with these ethical teachings, rather than adopting frameworks that might contradict or compromise them.
6. Historical and Biblical Examples
Historically, Christianity has maintained a clear stance against practices that are perceived as occult or divinatory.
The Bible contains numerous passages that condemn divination, sorcery, and astrology e.g. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 NIV “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or cast spells, or who is medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone wo does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before
Isaiah 47:13-14 NIV “All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save from what is coming upon you. Surely, they are like stubble; the fire will burn them up. They cannot even save themselves from the power of the flame. These are not coals for warmth; this is not a fire to sit by.
These prohibitions reflect a broader biblical perspective, that sees such practices as the disbelief in the trust that God will meet one’s needs as He promised.
By following to these biblical patterns, us Christians show to the world that our commitment to God’s faith is one that relies on His revealed will and guidance, rather than on esoteric or mystical practices.
Engaging with astrology or New Age beliefs, could be seen as a departure from this tradition, potentially leading us into a spiritual confusion, as we will not know which one is growing our spirit man.
To sum up I will state that, while New Age and astrological beliefs may offer intriguing or appealing alternatives for spiritual exploration, but they are not appropriate for one who claims to be a Christian
As the Christian faith provides a robust framework for understanding God’s divine will, personal transformation, and ethical living through the revelation of Scripture that shows us the life that Jesus lived.
By remaining committed to these core elements of our faith, we can navigate the complexities of modern spirituality with confidence, and clarity and teach others to do so as well
Trusting in the sufficiency and authority of God’s revealed word, and divine guidance that the Holy spirit will save us in times of doubt or fear of expression.
Loved reading this post! Everything you said was spot on! Someone once tried to force me to believe heavily in zodiac signs. Had I not been strong enough in my faith with the Lord and educated in his word I would have fallen into same trap that many other Christians fall into. Keep posting my sister 😌🧡
Very interesting topic you discuss here. I think it is important to open up to other modalities than what religion brings forth. My personal opinion is that religions and new age can be approached from an open-minded perspective. I like this post <3 Thank you <3
Great post! Thank you for tackling this difficult subject. Maree