“Boldly I will send you to know me through different things , your experiences and further healing from now on will be to know me through various places, people and things, my goal for you is to understand that my word is living and I will go before you every time I tell you to move”. Funny how these words that the Lord told me in 2022 have come full circle as I began to prepare to launch my blog right now in February of 2023 .
18th March 2019 was when I could say I truly experienced a life changing encounter with God even
though I had been a Christian my whole life. This encounter lead me to a 21 day Daniel fast of which God had opened my eyes and broke all chains to everything I had struggled with, from a look warm Christian lifestyle, new age beliefs, rejection and abandonment issues, eating disorders you name it. No longer I’m I now trying to be accepted by the creation of the universe because The Creator saw me, chose me and accepted me into his kingdom.
From then, I let go of the worldly dreams and selfish plans I had for my life and he opened my heart and mind to embrace my gift of writing and through this gift, I hope to make my fellow Christians seen and heard ; from God’s hand to mine, because we all go through life’s trails and tribulations regardless of how strong we think we are, and I hope as you visit my website you will relate to something I post and feel understood and most importantly, you feel seen by God.
To fall in love with God is the greatest romance, to seek him is the greatest adventure and to find him is the greatest human achievement.
St Augustine