Like me, I think we can all agree that the elders around us did mean well when they said don’t have sex because it’s bad lol.
For one, coming into my adulthood, I could see where they were coming from., because nothing scares a child than a person of age and who they believe to carry more knowledge and wisdom than them tell them that something is bad and God forbid you chose to go against them.
But now that becomes a problem for a child who now begins to hit puberty and feel these emotions of sexual feelings that in fact God placed in our body and yet still have the little voice in their head telling them that sex is bad, and now the war between the flesh and the mind then begins
However, not everyone will take hold of the scary little lecture we were given as kids, as some will give into their emotions and have sex before marriage
And the guilt that follows them after and worse off, if they were raised in a bible believing born again Christian household.
While we all believe that God forgives us of our sins when we repent and choose to draw closer to him
We all still can’t escape the fact that society has opened up more platforms that allow children coming of age to learn about the corrupt versions of sex
And quite frankly, not only is it affecting the children, but even those adults that may not be as strong in their faith
And how then do we solve this as a Christian community? Of course, by getting instructions from the word of God and teaching people based on what we learn from there
So here are some of the things that Christians should keep in mind when they think about sex or they are about to engage in it
Sex is worship to God- this is an act where to people (married man and woman) become one flesh.
They become spiritually, physically and emotionally connected during intercourse, same way we become when we worship God. Marital sex is a couple surrendering to God’s plan and submitting to its purposes that God intended for it to have on earth
To be naked and unashamed before each other and still love each other. I think we can all admit that as humans, it doesn’t get more vulnerable physically than being naked in front of someone.
So, it is important to remember than this is the will of God for the marriage bed, even though it might feel awkward especially in the beginning stages of the marriage
So, a suggestion will be to pray before sex and ask for God’s will to be done and not your own. With that mentioned it is now important to remember that;
Sex is not for self-gain- as we now understand that we are now living in a time where fornication and having multiple partners is being glorified more than ever before.
Which is far from God’s intended design, self-pleasuring sex has never led anyone to a fruitful life or outcome as it only leads to distraction and death.
It very important as believers to remember that sex is good and it was made by God, and it is to be had in the right context which is marriage.
It does not bring glory to God when we have sex any way we want to, in actuality if we do so
It only mocks the original purpose that God had in mind, and as believers, we ought to know that although God is very slow to anger, He can only be mocked for so long.
As a bible believing Christian community, we ought to wait for the right time to have sex and through our waiting
We will be able to see the hand over God over the journey and testify of His goodness which in turn will encourage others to wait. And while we are waiting to have sex, we must preach to others that;
Sex is only to be had by a married man and woman- the only marriage that is spoken of in the bible is one between a man and a woman Genesis 2vs24.
One of God’s intended purposes for marriage was to procreate and have God seed that will live to testify of His goodness while still on earth.
And that’s why it is also important for believers to follow every instruction that is given to us by God in marriage as it will contribute to the blessings that He has in store for us here on earth and for the generations to follow.
The marriage bed is held too holy and sacred by God that yet again shouldn’t be mocked or duplicated to fit the human desire and what they feel is best for the human race and not God’s plan, and one of the human misguided doctrines that they believe to be false but is true is;
Having sex with the same gender is a sin in God’s eyes- I hear people say this often “love is love” while that might be true to a certain degree it should not spill over to homosexual behaviors.
Love is love when two people of different races decide to marry, love is love when a rich person decides to marry a poor person, love is love when two people of different cultural backgrounds decide to marry
And thus, love is not love when it involves two people to the same sex decide to duplicate God’s purpose for sex and pro creation, it is a sin Leviticus 20vs 13, Leviticus 18vs 22, 1 Corinthians 6vs9-11, 1 Timothy 1vs8-11. And so it is important to remember that;
Sex is good/gift from God- like I mentioned sex was created by God, and everything that was created by God is good.
It is good because it physically connects a married man and woman and increases their level of intimacy during their marriage
It is good because it brings life into this world, it is good because it reminds us of the power and glory of God
And it good because it is worth waiting for as it gives you a deeper knowledge and understanding of your wife or husband. And so, it is also important to remember that;
Sex is not man-made- man has made sex so impure and so devalued that everyone feels like they can have it with no consequences.
It’s been tinted down to people making songs about the beauty of multiple relationships while others having to expose their private body parts on the internet for attention and money.
As children of the most high God, we need to stay away from such representations and really just call them out every chance we have because they are not the perfect representation of the kingdom of God.
We need to remember that this is all but the plan of the enemy to take something that God created and made good into something horrible and impure.
Yes, it may look like the people that are participating in such things are living their best lives and progressing
But we need to remember that earth is only but a place we are passing through and we are to give an account of the life we lived while on earth to Jesus on judgement day.
God wants to be involved in every little detail of our lives which also includes our sex life.
As believers, it is important for us to surrender our sex life to Him and ask Him to bring glory to it the best way, He sees fit. The world may want to trick us on all the ways they feel sex must be had
But we need to remember that sex comes from God and He has left us with His words in the bible on the principles to follow in all aspects of our life which also very much includes our sex life.
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