Your 20s is arguable one of the most crucial times to discover yourself. While some may have life figured out by the time they are 20, and congratulations to you if you’re one of them
However, not all of us are in that boat
I like to call the 20s era the trial and error for adulthood lol. Because it seems to be the one excuse people tend to give when you ask them why they did certain stuff and they get a pass
Like if I had a dollar for every time someone told me “I was in my 20s I was living my best life” I would probably be living in my dream home by now lol
Although you are allowed to make mistakes and find yourself in your 20s and live your best life, it shouldn’t come at the expense of wasting arguably one of the most important eras of your life
May I also note however it doesn’t strictly mean you should have it all figured out by the time you hit 30. We all come from different walks of life and circumstances are different for everyone
Why I picked the 20s era is because a lot of people think time is on their hands during this period, because society has somewhat made it so flexible for 20 something year olds to live like teenagers
And because you are reading this right now, I would assume you would really like a different path
At least you would like to begin a life in your 20s that’s going to save you from a lot of unnecessary mistakes
I must add that sometimes you don’t have to make mistakes in life to grow up, sometimes other people’s mistakes are already a lesson enough for you to choose different and want better
The last thing you would want for yourself is having to now carry the errors you made in your 20s and start correcting them at an older age when they could have easily been avoided
May I add that they are a lot of toxic habits to stay away from, but here are the 5 that you can start from to transform your life
1. Stop avoiding alone time
You can never find yourself by constantly being around people without having time to yourself to reflect and refocus
Dedicate more time to yourself in your 20s to really plan out your vision and purpose for your life
It is fine however to take a breather sometimes and hangout with some friends or close ones, but that shouldn’t always be a daily routine or you will lose focus on your goals
You 20s is when you are allowed to be the most selfish with your time and energy towards things
Because you are grooming yourself to be an independent adult. So be comfortable with being in the comfort of your own company
And begin to learn yourself and what you like instead of seeking outside validation from everyone all the time
During your alone time, make the most of it by reading books that will inspire you to live a better life, listen to podcasts by people who are in the same industry as you or where you inspire to be
This also maybe the perfect time for you to learn yourself and what kind of partner you would hope to be to a future spouse if you hope to get married
And you can’t find that when you’re always constantly leaning on the company of others to feel validated in some way.
2. Worrying about the future
I must admit it does get really scary thinking of how your life will turn out given that a lot of people will have expected you to have already known which career path to take by the time you’re 18
It still remains so funny to me that people would want you to have it all figured out in your 20s but still wouldn’t want you to take things seriously because you’re still technically not a full adult yet
My advice to you in this case is spend more time with people that really know you and have the best intentions for your life
Find good counsel and those that will be understanding of your choices and direct you the right path without shaming you
Like I said listening to everyone’s opinions will only get you so far
Embrace where you are at the moment and the doors that are opened for you right now. It’s okay to be concerned if things will work out in your favor
We all go though it every so often. But what’s not good and very unfair to yourself is constantly crippling your mind over things that you can’t control
3. Living in your comfort zone
This right here is dedicated especially to the people in their 20s with no children. Career experiments are meant to be experienced when you’re young and energetic
This may be the perfect season to try new things and fail at things, so that as you grow older, you should know exactly what you would and wouldn’t like to pursue
One of the statements I hear people say a lot especially with the older generation is “I wish I had”
Not to blame them for not doing it because times were a lot different back then and things were stricter in terms of careers and opportunities
But we are now in an era where we can make a career with almost anything with the rise of social media and the internet
And people are being embraced more for using their talents rather than their degrees
Don’t get me wrong, education is very important and very necessary but it’s not the key to success it’s just one of many aids
4. Nurturing meaningless relationships/ friendship
If the relationship/friendship doesn’t grow you mentally, spiritually or financially is it worth even giving time?
We spend so much time in our life being young and dumb pleasing people that aren’t growing us because of fear of being judged or being seen as difficult
Your 20s is the perfect time for you to start analyzing a lot of unnecessary things in your life
Part of growing up is making decisions on who has access to you and what people have to offer in your life that will benefit you and vice versa
What you also need to understand is that not everyone can be your friend
What you need is forever friendships/ relationships and not temporary ones, it really becomes exhausting having to keep making new friends in every season of your life
As it distracts you on more important things to focus on
5. Jealousy
We all want to make it big at some point, and until that day comes, lets normalize clapping for others while we continue working hard
Part of adulting is also learning to now be content in every season you are in
Be encouraged to know that there is a purpose for every season God has you in and everyone’s story is different
Some make it at an earlier age than some of us but that doesn’t mean we are not good enough or we are less deserving
Jealousy just means we think we are better than the next person and they don’t deserve any good that’s coming to them
Having a jealousy spirit will actually distract you from focusing on your own things because you will be so focused on other people’s life
That you will start to create competition where there is actually not
I will conclude with this;
Being in your 20s may be one of the best times or worst times of your life depending on how you decide to live each year
Live your life to your best ability so you don’t have any regrets or start having to figure out lessons that you should have learned at a younger age
Above all, love yourself, trust God through process and be consistent in perusing your passions
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