In my years of serving God, I have noticed how the Christian community categorizes anger as a demonic force or something sent from the devil
Even to a point of some reaching out to their leaders and requesting for a prayer session to remove the demonic attack that has come upon them
Psalm 103 vs 8 tells us that “The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love
As we read this verse, we need to rest in comfort in knowing that the Lord too does feel angry. Might it also be that He put it in us to realize the injustice and lies that may be happening in our lives?
So, we may recognize the places that trigger us and distract us from our walk with God and make us want to seek truth and direction in which ways to change the situations at hand
However, we ought to realize that even though God has given us the grace to feel angry, it now doesn’t mean we should take matters in our own hands on how to deal with it
The reason why many think anger is a demonic spirit is because they associate it with the reactions that people make when they are angry
And my I also submit to you that devil preys on people when they are angry. Because he wants to turn those emotions into distraction and cause chaos around us
Which is why is it very important for every believer to be careful of the voices they are entertaining when they are at a low state of life
It is also important to recognize most times that anger can be a built up emotion from all the things that we choose to suppress and “let go” without dealing with them
I really don’t blame a lot of people for doing that, as we are currently living in times of a self-love and focus on me generation
While that may be true to some extent, it is also important to remember that suppressing everything to focus on the good/positive side of life isn’t healthy
Self-love is when you chose to deal with the ugly parts of you, grow and heal from them and learn how to now be a good person to people so you don’t bleed hurt and pain on them
Remember, Christianity is a service lifestyle, just as Christ came to serve, we all should also follow in His footsteps and serve others
Mark 10vs 45 NIV “For even the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and go give his life as a ransom for many”
I know firsthand how the devil turns our anger into distraction and makes us do things we shall regret in the future
But I have learnt how to lean on God when I’m angry and I’m gladly here to help you do the same
The bible says in James 1 vs 19-20 NIV “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this, everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does noy produce the righteousness that God desires.
A full circle moment for us, that a God who is slow to anger is asking the same from us. You see, we become ungodly when we submit to the wrong motives of anger
The best thing every believer must do is be in tune with the things that bring them to that place and must stay clear from them
It’s true that sometimes we might not know how to let them go because they come from the closest people we love or might even be the closest people we love that bring us to that state
But remember to have boundaries, extending grace to toxic people does not mean we need to consistently surround ourselves with them
If they do things or say things that anger our spirit which in turn distracts us from our relationship with God, then it is not worth the risk
Salvation is an individual person’s decision; we are all going to be questioned differently on our actions on judgement day
Don’t fall short because you spent time negatively reacting to other people’s actions towards you, instead of developing an intimate relationship with God
In times of distress and anger, it is best to lean on people with a Godly perspective that will help us through tough times of processing these feelings
It is true that an idol mind is a devil’s worship ground, the enemy loves to prey on people that choose to isolate themselves from everyone
So, it will be very wise to know this and seek group counsel and prayer so that we feel less alone and really get some encouragement from other believers
Just as the bible tells us in James 5vs26 NIV “Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective
There is healing in numbers, however, you are allowed to sometimes seat by yourself and process your emotions
Just make sure in this case you are fully immersing yourself with scripture, Godly sermons, podcasts or anything biblical that will not allow the devil to prey on your mind
Yes, people can and will help with the healing process of all things in life but it is also important to remember that God is the ultimate healer in all things us
He’s the one who created us, He knows all our emotions and if we submit them all to Him, He will teach us how to process them in a Godly manner and
Teach us to live a lifestyle that will not be emotion driven but rather, God driven. Which is why it is very important to develop a strong prayer life
Communication with God is key, there is not one person who will understand you or guide you into the righteous path the way God will
So, never neglect God and first seek healing from other people, because they too are being poured into by God for them to give the comfort and healing that we may need in that particular season
And we all fall short of the glory of God, people will not be available to help us 24/7 the way God desires to help us
I did talk about the dangers to unforgiveness in my post 4 UGLY TRUTHS ABOUT UNFORGIVENESS
But like I said, we all fall short of the glory of God sometimes, we are all broken people and emotions get the best of us
While some of us may want to heal from our past traumas in a Godly way, the reality is that not everyone will want to choose that path for themselves also
Some people will rather continue hurting others because they haven’t still figured out the right way to process everything that they have gone through
And sadly, we may fall victim to their broken journey, but it is also important to remember that it is not because of who we are that they choose to anger us and hurt our feelings
It’s because of how they have chosen to react to the way they are feeling and that has nothing to do with us
The best thing to do is pray for them and ask God to help them find the healing they deserve. And most importantly pray that they find a relationship with God that will change their ways
Because remember, we too were once broken vessels that desperately needed the hand of God to turn our every negative emotions into positive ones
Esther says
Thank you for sharing this educative blog post