Like all relationships that we have, one of the most important things that we need to know is someone’s nature and how they view things so we know how they can serve us well and how we can do the same
I must say that it really confuses a lot of people when Christians mention the term “having a personal relationship with God”
Because in a human’s finite understanding, you can only have a relationship with something/someone you can see, touch and of course speaks back to you in their/ its own audible voice
So, to avoid any debates on this topic I simply just tell them to join the Christian family and experience this for themselves
Because in all realistic forms, it’s really hard to place God in a box of who he is and what He can do for us. Unlike human beings who can be described with the work they do or their assigned purpose on earth
The same can’t be said about Him, for one He is an infinite God and so His nature will only be as His existence INFINITE!!!
Then there is also the confusion about The Trinity. There have been so many debates and blasphemous words concerning this topic
But what people need to understand is that God is one person that is made up of three distinct persons. We have God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit.
All three are equal but share different characteristics and serve different purposes on the earth more especially to the human race
They all work as one for the same purpose and are complete in community with one another. This means that God is perfectly fine by Himself, He doesn’t need us to feel complete
However, He Choose to have a relationship with us, and that in itself is enough for someone to humble themselves before Him
Like I said it’s really hard to put a limit on God, His nature and His possibilities, but here are at least five things to know about Him
Psalm 23 vs 1 NIV “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing, He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me besides quiet waters
Having God in your life means that you will have everything you need and you won’t have to go any place else to find them
God is the creator of the universe which means He knows every little detail about all the things in it
The devil tries to manipulate us into thinking that only he can provide us with the material things of this world
By first presenting flashy visible items because he knows that humans are more enticed by visible things
God is more focused on the nourishment of our soul and our heart posture towards Him and not the accomplishments that we can make or have
And the beauty about by lead by God is that He will not only lead you to things that you need, but He will also make sure that you have peace and full freedom in all that you do
And the best part about all this is that you will not have to compromise or change your self to please any human being as He will mold you into your own unique person and in turn get all the glory
Mathew 11 vs 28 NIV “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest.”
Its funny how when we want an item that we own fixed we take it to the best person we know to have it fixed, but then why don’t we do the same thing to God?
Regardless of what society will try to tell us about the existence and creation of things, one testament will always stand as true regardless of whether others choose to believe it or not
And that is God is the creator of the universe. The beauty about God is that He Feels all our emotions, regardless of them being good or bad
When negative situations from the enemy creep into our lives and cause trauma or take us to a negative space, it is important to turn to God
Because not only does He want to heal us, but He wants to even give us the tools and confidence that will help us fight off the dealings of the devil

John 3 vs 16 NIV “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
When you read the bible or pay close attention to the way we should live, the one action stands out in all circumstances which is, we ought to love one another
1 Corinthians 13 vs 13 NIV tells us that “And now these things remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
A lot of situations in our life can begin to function according to God’s will if we begin to do them with love.
We should love because God loved us first, He is the Prime example of what sacrificial love looks like. Love is not conditional
Love is doing things because you understand what it’s like to be loved unconditionally by God and want to extend it to others regardless of whether they reciprocate it or not
1 John 3 vs 1 NIV “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him.”
Especially to the ones that never had a physical father, an absent father or what ever negative experience you had in regardless of a father
The good God news is that God is a father that will never disappoint us. There is no other love that can heal the void of a fatherless child like the Love of God
He’s the fixer of all things and He will give you a far much better father and child relationship than an earthly father would
He does really want to show us what perfect father and child relationship looks like. Our earthly parents do fall short and miss it most times
But God will never, He will protect us, cover us and provide for us in all areas of our life and the best part about all of this is that unlike our earthly fathers
With Him, we don’t have an age limit of being under His care and being in His covering like little children
John 14 vs 17 NIV “Peace I leave you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid
I don’t think one can talk about what true peace looks like unless they have experienced the peace that comes from God
God gives an explainable peace that even in the mist of warfare and tribulations, your heart stays still because you know the one who is going to fight your battles
If we lean on to God, we then find ourselves always being joyful and always radiating peace around because
He has proved to us how leaning onto Him will mean that the enemy will not have any chance of putting fear and worry into our lives
To whoever has a lot of troubles surrounding them and looking for a way out, perhaps the only solution you need is to surrender all your situations to God
And He will fight all your battles, will give you the peace to know that He is capable and He will protect you from all the motives of the enemy
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