We all aspire to be known as a good and faithful servant by the Lord. But the problem is that a lot of people these days are defining what Christianity should look like
Without reading the bible, and even if they do, they will misquote scripture to make it fit the lifestyle that they want a Christ follower to look life
This can be a dangerous thing to do especially as a seasoned believer having that you are presenting a fake gospel to baby Christians
Having them believe in things or participate in things that God Himself condemns and wants to set us apart from
So, before you begin to preach to the masses about what a Christian lifestyle and journey ought to look like, please consider seeking the Holy Spirit plus other mature Christ followers
Who you for sure know aren’t living a double life and are really preaching God’s word according to the right context of the bible and are surely being led by the Holy spirit
The book of Revelation 3:15 NIV warns us to say “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold or hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are a lukewarm- neither hot or cold- I am about to spit you out of my mouth”
See, God doesn’t want half in and half out Christians, you are either going to accept Him as your personal Lord and savior and live fully according to His will or you are not
There is a lot of confusion that will come from being a lukewarm Christian because it will be very hard for you to firmly stand on one thing as both worlds (Godly standards and worldly standards) contradict each other
So here are 5 signs that you might be a lukewarm Christian
I think to a certain extent we all have a fear of what people will think about us and what we choose to express to the masses
But unlike all things that are expressed by people that come from their own thoughts or feelings, things of the Lord are different, as they aren’t our own thoughts or feelings
But what He Himself declares the truth and the only way to have relationship with Him and live a glorious life
The book of Galatians 5 vs 1 NIV tells us that “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free, stand firm, then and do not let yourselves burdened again by a yoke of slavery”
Sometimes we put ourselves in the yoke of slavery by knowing the truth but not saying it in fear of being judged
Christ set us free from every bondage that the devil may create or try to put us in. I think we only owe it to ourselves and to God to not shy away from living and speaking freely about the goodness of our savior

They are benefits that come with social media, in the sense that now we can reach different people in the comfort of our own homes with just a post
With social media now comes different trends that people make to create some form of relatability among each other so that we feel some form of solidarity as a human race
However, they are for sure some trends that Christians should never participate in regardless of whether it will give you more attention or not
As believers, we need to at least know that if it no way brings glory to God or doesn’t represent His kingdom in any way then we sure need to stay away from it
A question needs to be asked by every Christ follower, before they decide to join any social media platform, which is
“If I never posted any bible scripture on my social media pages, would my posts still convince people that I am a born-again believer?”

Posting scripture and preaching scripture to others doesn’t make us committed believers. What makes one a devoted follower is the way they live their life in accordance to what the bible says
They are many people who trick others by things they post but yet live lives that are contrary to what they post
This is very dangerous and deceiving especially if one thinks you would be a perfect fit to help them get closer to God or if someone thinks you would make a perfect God-fearing partner to date or a friend to have around
1 Corinthians 3 vs 9 NIV tells us that “For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building”
We are God’s entrusted vessels to show to the masses what His kingdom is about and who He is
It is only when we live and are convicted by His word that we will convince unbelievers about His love power and mercy over our lives
We all want to live the life that we have painted in our minds and have the perfect outcome that we think will come with that life
However, the bible tells us in Psalm 37vs 23 NIV that “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in Him”
Surrendering your life to God means that you give Him full control and power to give you direction as long you live on earth
A conditional Christian is one who accepts God as ruler of the earth but does not want to let God into their lives to set them straight because they to some extent think their plans are better than God
They fight and I guess to a certain extent compete for authority over their lives with God which is crazy to think about
We all have had a Jonah moment once or twice in our lives, but it very dangerous to stay in that position of wanting to follow God for what He can give you and not for who He can be in your life
Especially knowing that this is not our permanent home on earth and at one point when we leave this earth, we are to face the judgement of God because of the way we chose to live our lives
What is a prideful Christian life?
This is when you boast more about things or achievements in your life more than who God has been in your life
This is when you always desire praise and admiration from others over your achievements and rarely acknowledge God’s provision over your life, and when you do. it’s so subtle that people won’t even catch on
When you want to make yourself the center of attention and not humble yourself to tell people about who has brought you thus far
This is when you preach the gospel to make others feel less than or make them feel like you know more than they do
When you want to show people your good deeds by posting every single thing you do or talk about it in public so people should be convinced that you are “a good Christian”, among many others
Jesus taught us how to live in humility here on earth by the way He spoke to people and by washing the feet of His disciples John 13 vs 1-5
He did that to show us that Christianity is a service lifestyle, you need to be humble in order for God to use you fully
Your life should be all of God and less of you. It’s a life of putting other people’s needs before you, and if you are here following Christ to show others that you are a good person
And do it with an intention of winning hearts of men instead of having a relationship with God and humbling yourself at all times, then you are in the wrong journey of life
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