Day in and day out as I draw closer to God in my alone time with Him, He seems to prune and set me free from a lot of ideologize and somewhat “mindless myths” I would like to call them about the Christian faith
And as He rightfully should, I honestly don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have a personal relationship with God
My life, though not perfect, but nevertheless seems to feel complete in His presence because He is truth, He is the only way and He is life
Freedom in Christ begins by daily submitting to His will and following Him as the bible clearly tells us in Mathew 16 vs 24-26 NIV
What I do know about each Christian is that we all come from different backgrounds and cultures that we had to conform to that some may have even shaped the way we view God
But thank God that He has grace towards each and every one of us who come to Him humbly and willing to let go of all we’ve known to learn what His truth is and be freed from our past bondages
Some even passed on to us from other generations before us that sometimes walking away from will feel like disowning our own identity
But the good news is that as long as you have God you are enough; God will never leave you nor forsake you and He wouldn’t call you to follow His ways only for you to fend for yourself along the way
He will provide you with grace and confidence in all things as long as you remain in Him and His word
With that mentioned here are five truths that we all need to come into agreement with as they will set us free in a lot of ways
I do believe that one of the greatest misconceptions about the Christian faith is that we serve a God who is restrictive and a dictator
The world is a cruel place, without God besides us, we are weak and unprotected vessels, even though in the moment, His restrictions from certain things seem harsh and like punishment
What we need to understand about God is that He’s a good father that wants nothing but the best for us, even through we sometimes fall short of His glory but He’s still merciful and forgiving towards us
He’s so loving towards us that He sent His only son Jesus to die for us and freely bring us back to relationship with Him John 3vs16
And sent the free gift of the Holy Spirit to dwell among us and guide us in our day-to-day life and He even provided us with the Holy book (the bible) to further navigate life here on earth
The truth is before us the trinity existed as a community and is complete in that community, it was through the Love of God that we were created Genesis 1 vs 26 NIV
If we were to really be honest with ourselves, God really doesn’t need us to feel and even be complete, it is however us who need Him in our everyday life for that to happen
We are the ones who fall short of the glory not Him. As harshly as this will sound but, yes!! God will still be God even if our lives are falling apart
He Chooses to be in the valley with us because He is full of love and compassion towards us and wants nothing but the best for us
He gives us boundaries and laws for our benefit, so we could have some taste of perfection here on earth as we await to meet Him in heaven on day
God’s boundaries really save us from a lot of heartache, diseases and truth be told even death most times, so, next time you want to go against the word of God and His guidance is your life, always remember it’s for your benefit and not His

God has called each one of us to abstain from sexual relations until the appointed time which is in a marital setting
Being a virgin does not make one better than one who’s celibate if they are both living a life that is centered around Christ and pleasing to God
Not having sex doesn’t guarantee that one will inherit the gift of salvation if you are still feeding the needs of the flesh instead of the spirit
Like I mentioned before people do tend to not have sex for different reasons other than being Christian
But yet again do go and entertain a bunch of immoral stuff like, watching provocative television, engaging in masturbation and dishonoring God’s laws for the human race
We tend to sometimes place a huge stigma amongst ourselves on this topic almost as though God said your marriage will be more blessed than others because you chose to not have sex before marriage
He’s a good God, and a God of justice, He blesses because of our right standing and not because how much we have done compared to our fellow believers
We need to thank God that He has given us the blessing of marriage and the gift to bring forth new generations that will glorify His name
However, we ought to realize that marriage is a blessing from the Lord and not a commandment, therefore it is not a sin if you choose not to marry as not long as we know what that comes with it, which is
- To avoid any sexual relations with anyone whatsoever
- To not even date anyone regardless of whether we are not having sex with them or not
- To not practice self-pleasure (masturbation) at any given point in our life
Our life should be fully dedicated to serving the Lord and surrendering to the purpose that He gave to us. And that’s why Paul told us 1 Corinthians 7 vs 8-9 NIV that “Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: it is good for them to stay unmarried as I do. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion
So, if you feel that God hasn’t called you to marry, do not force it on yourself because it will not lead you to your intended purpose, but just remember through it all that purity and a Christ like lifestyle should be the main focus of your life

It still scares me that even today people think that being single is a “problem” that they need to fix in their life
Could it be because of all the childhood fantasies that we were fed when we were young of boy meets girl and they fall in love and live happily ever after
We tend to be so focused on finding the one and is this person my soulmate (which there is no such thing by the way lol)
That we actually forget to be the one. A friendly reminder that God blessed each one of us who hope to get married one day with the season of singleness to actually figure out who we are and to achieve or start
Pursuing our purpose without any distraction. Although marriage is a gift, it comes with a lot of sacrificial moments that you will not have in your single season
Being lonely is a sign that you have some unresolved issues that you feel a partner will fix and tend to forget that only God can fix you and make you whole in Him
It is really dangerous to seek relationships only because we need someone to fulfil us and make us feel wanted because we are so insecure with our state of life, people can’t fix you, only God can
We are all flawed human beings, and if you feel lonely in this season of your singleness, perhaps surrender it to God, seek validation from Him and how to go about how to live your life in a way that will bring wholeness to yourself
Proverbs 18 vs 21 NIV says “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit”
Which is why as believers, we need to be careful with what consumes our every thought process and who and what we allow to speak over us
Because it really does affect how we see stuff, our world view on things and what paths we choose to take
It is true that there is power in our tongue because we use it to declare and speak life into our lives through the power God, as it’s intended purpose
But the enemy may prey on our mind and even worse sometimes put distractions in our environment to make us think because of the circumstances going on around us, to make us want to think less of ourselves
And in turn begin to declare things that the Lord has never spoken over us to begin with. And that’s why it’s important to immerse yourself in Lord’s word so the enemy has no loophole to attack
Because you know who you are in God and know that what He has spoken over your life will come to pass because He is a God that never fails us.
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