Imagine if Paul didn’t write letters to the believers in different parts of the world, how much of the New Testament would we have to read?
Or if the apostles decided not to write their recollection of Jesus but opted to preach via word of mouth instead, how much truth about the Jesus’s life would we have now?
Obviously, it would have been a washed out version of His life because man doesn’t have a strong enough memory to keep a word for word of stories and pass it on to others
At their time of writing, I would argue to say I bet they didn’t know that God was going to use their teachings and stories to save thousands of generations that were to come after them
We as believers have come to know God/Jesus through the writing of those that lived and had an encounter with Him
Each book in the bible, both old and new testament,perfectly describes the nature of the trinity so well and confirms every prophesy spoken and some which are yet to manifest
So much so that once you read it, it’s really hard not believed in the existence of God and what He can and will continue to do for the human race
I do believe that God does really want us to write down our every thought process and what we are going through as Christians
Which is why I would want to encourage every believer to start doing so because it really does have a lot of benefits. So, if you are looking for reasons to start journaling here are some that will help you
Habakkuk 2v2 NIV clearly tells us to “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it”
God will only bless, heal and approve or disapprove anything that is presented to Him. Even though He is an all-knowing God, what He truly wants from us is a relationship with Him
And one of the key elements for a relationship to work is by having good communication with someone and God shouldn’t be excluded. By writing down our vision and plans and submitting them to God
Will actually allow Him to give us a perfect way to go about them and maybe even be led to a bigger and far much greater plan than what we thought was good for us. Also
When God gives us a word, it’s important for us to write it down so we don’t forget what was spoken. God is still in the business of speaking and giving us instruction through the Holy Spirit, so
It is very important for a believer to write down every word so they can stand on it, pray on it and wait on God to come through just as He has promised
Journaling is also another way to help you know yourself as Christian. Those of us who have been journaling for a long time would attest to this
Looking back at all the things I wrote down and where I was at the time, I would completely tell you that so much growth has happened
And looking back at all the things I journaled, it lets me know who I was then and who I am now and how much the Lord brought me out of that which I thought wasn’t even possible
In that, it has also helped me change certain things about myself and given me an insight of how much I’ve matured in Christ and how much my faith has grown
Like I mentioned, partnership with God is needed if ever you want to succeed in life. We are allowed to speak to God in any way that we see fit and journaling shouldn’t be excluded
Like I mentioned writing down everything and seeing Him fulfil all that He has promised really can increase our faith in Him
This is not to be mistaken for only wanting to write things to see if He will fulfil them, but more of having faith that He exists and it is only through Him that prayers and desires of our heart are fulfilled Hebrews 11vs 6
Also, may I add on and advice you that there is a certain closeness that comes with journaling, because not only is He present when you are jotting down your emotions
But He is available to help you overcome and release every feeling you have bottled up inside you. Healing comes in different ways, don’t limit yourself just to one way of it
There is beauty in looking back at where you came from and really see evidence in the maturity that has happened
And lucky enough for us who journal, that they were exact words and statements that were put down so we for sure do not forget and honestly help us remember who we were then compared to who we have become now
A faith journey is one that isn’t without trials and tribulations, also imagine how much of your life that you write down would make for a great article or book one day
So, as we journal, let’s also keep in mind that in as much as these seasons are for our own maturity, Christ has the potential to use them how He sees fit and we should be open to that
In as much as journaling can be about writing down our emotions and prayers to God, it can also be a perfect time to write down how we would like to live our life moving forward
This can be from our daily Christian duties to fulfil, to boundaries we would not cross, to promises we make to ourselves and ask God to hold us accountable to them
A structured life in general makes you succeed well in society and actually gives you the ability to accomplish things faster than everyone else because you know what you ought to be doing each time
But once you put God at the center of your plans, not only will He give you the strength to accomplish them, but He will give you the grace and anointing to even do things that you yourself didn’t think were possible
Like I said, God does really want to help us in all that we do, it’s up to us to decide on whether we want to let Him in or not
But just as God is a God of structure, He too does want that for us, in that way, we are less stressed in our day to day lives and are well set on our boundaries and who we are in Him, and most importantly, how much of our lives He is going to use if we let Him in.
Lucy says
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