Psalm 33 vs 11 NIV “But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.”
The idea of this blog post came as I stared so heavily at a bottle of water on the dining table lol, I know right, the actual realization that God can really use anything to say what He needs to say to give us revelation on things
As I gazed in awe on how God can use the same water to give life and yet at the same time use it to take away life, it began to sink in that
Water can have a number of purposes but yet still can’t do everything to help mankind because it’s so limited in its abilities, and still being limited in its abilities, it’s importance is something we all can’t live without
As believers, we often come across people who work day in and day out and have all the money that can seem to feed nations
But yet when asked if they are fulfilled in their life, will give an honest response of how they don’t even know why they do what they do
A true testament that the ability to live out your purpose is far much more than making money and becoming rich or famous
Even as we refer to the people in the bible, some even only having a small story there and some not even having their real names mentioned but yet their story will resonate with someone because of how they found their purpose in God
And give us hope in their tribulations and even greater, help us discover who they are and can be in Christ
Proverbs 19 vs 21 NIV “Many are the plans in a person’s heart but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
By dictionary’s definition, it is the reason for which something is created, done or for which something exists
For everything that God created serves a great purpose in the way He thought would please Him and exist for His glory
In each one of us, God has placed a divine assignment that needs to be fulfilled here on earth at the time when He sees fit
We often come across people in the bible who had a hard time accepting their purpose, with some even running away from it (yes, I was thinking about you Jonah lol)
But most times when I talk about purpose with people, Mary’s (the mother of Jesus) story first comes to mind. We mindless refer to her as the mother of Jesus and rightfully so because she was lol
But overlook who she was before all this happened, an engaged virgin who was about to marry Joseph but when she was visited by Angel Gabriel, she knew that God’s purpose needed to prevail Luke 1 vs 26-38
Overlooking the fact that, she would be stoned to death to what people would have ruled as having a baby out of wedlock
See, Mary’s purpose was to bring forth a king that people will talk about, sing about and worship for many generations and even till eternity
Often times when we think about having purpose, we think world domination, fame and lots of followers, but overlook that sometimes purpose can also mean that we have to be a “Mary” in someone’s life
What if our purpose is to write a book, sing a song or even write a blog post that someone comes across and discovers their purpose and later on becomes the “Jesus” in people’s lives, how fulfilled are we going to be with our purpose?
There is not one purpose that is greater than the other, if it was assigned to us by God, then it’s all we need to have on this earth

Mathew 20 vs 28 NIV “Just as the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as ransom for many.”
Jesus came on earth knowing His purpose, which was to reconcile us back into relationship with God. As we read the life He lived, we see how He flowed so well and only spoke and did things His father told Him
As He knew His purpose, it only made it right for Him to pick the people that He knew will help Him in the assignment His father sent Him to do here on earth
As Jesus fulfilled His purpose, and now we are in Covenant with Him, He would expect the same from us. Living in purpose really sets you on a path of fulfilment and alignment with God
Knowing your purpose in Christ will really make you rethink how you live your life and the people you choose to surround yourself with
It becomes easy to have boundaries with people that you feel aren’t headed in the same direction as you and also helps you develop a close relationship with God
Because, your full purpose can only be discovered by having a relationship with God, and as He helps you discover your purpose, you will need to fully lean on Him for understanding, maturity and the right path to take for you to fulfil that which He has placed in you
Proverbs 16 vs 18 NIV “Pride goes before destruction a haughty spirit before a fall”
Life without purpose surely indicates that you have a prideful heart and refuse to ask God for help in identification of your purpose
It’s easy to get distracted with the things of this world and want to part take in everything that may seem to be trending at the time
And that’s what people without purpose do, they tend to go with the flow of things sometimes without thinking of the consequences of their actions
A purposeless life will really make you place your identity in everything that will feed your soul temporarily at the time
Your main concern will be more about the thing you’re doing instead of rather who you should be doing it for which is God and to bring Him glory
This will in turn make you depart from the ways of God and rather, try to fulfil something that God didn’t even ask you to give attention to in the first place
That’s why it is important especially as a believer to ask God to guide you to your purpose to avoid unnecessary distraction in your life which can make you risk your salvation through Christ
Psalm 138 vs 8 NIV “The Lord will vindicate me; your love, Lord endures forever- do not abandon the works of your hands.”
This is one of the easiest questions to answer as a believer. Its just simply developing an intimate relationship with God.
God is a creator of all things, He’s an all-knowing God, so, He knows the plans He has for us even before we discover them
But as human beings, we were all given the grace of free will by God to pick if we want to align ourselves in His will or not
So, if you are lost as to who you are and what you feel your purpose is, develop a relationship with God and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will be flourishing in your purpose in no time
beautiful post here