Life does really have a way of taking us through cycles that turn into lessons that we will hold onto and wisely never repeat if ever caught up in the same circumstances.
It’s inevitable that we will face challenges that will shape us and sadly leave us with some sort of trauma that we need to heal from and release the pain in order for us to move on
As everyone goes through different situations that knock us heavy on the floor, it’s however how we come out of those situations that’s really a true testament of who Christ is in our life
It’s not easy going through life’s challenges, but it sure does make it easier knowing that God is there fighting with us and making us stronger to know and believe that we can overcome
Staying broken from the challenges we’ve been through is really detrimental to our well-being and even detrimental to our walk with God
Because it becomes more about the problems so much so that we begin to lose sight of what God has already proclaimed over our lives and rather the emotions that we’ve let take hold of our whole being
Shame, disappointment and guilt are just some of the emotions that take over us during this time even though it doesn’t have to be this way
A healed life is a life of freedom and joy, because it becomes easier to discover ourselves and how much strength we actually have with God by our side
I must admit that it is not easy to heal, it’s a process that only happens with true surrender to God and submission to the ways that only He knows will be best for us even though we might not understand them in the moment
So, here are 5 ways that will help you heal and get closer to God as you begin your life of freedom and happiness
Psalm 139 vs 23-24 NIV “Search me, God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
Many are times where we suppress our emotions hoping that maybe with time, we will be healed from them and move on
A very common but wrong way of trying to heal from past pain I must add, because, unless something is acknowledged and dealt with, it will resurface one way or the other
Getting in tune with our emotions, like how we really feel in our present moment and finding ways to heal from it, through the help of the Holy Spirit does have a way of bringing unexpected freedom in our lives
That we didn’t even know we needed at the time. We get so consumed with how things make us feel and begin to get comfortable with our negative emotions
That we forget that as Children of God, that is not what He wants for us. Our purpose and calling can’t fully manifest if we are carrying around brokenness and pain from things of the past
Letting go and letting God really is the best thing any Christ Believer can do especially in this situation

Psalm 34 vs 19-20 NIV “The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all; He protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.
Broken pasts and traumas do have a way of changing our mindsets and how we handle ourselves and situations around us.
A part of us will be tainted and fragile to be open enough and be hopeful that things can turn around and work in our favor
The only way to be set free from all the trauma that surrounds us is by God delivering us from it through His son Jesus Christ
God formed each and everyone of us with a purpose and a plan, He knows what has the ability to hurt us and the best way to heal us from it
It is a brave thing to do this we all know, but we are to be rest assured that He that began a good work in us will bring it to completion Philippians 1vs 6
The process may be uncomfortable as God will reveal to us the things that we may not have expected but we ought to trust and believe that it is only but for the good of our faith journey and those around us
Proverbs 12 vs 15 NIV “The way of fools seems right to them but the wise listen to advice.
Vulnerability may be one of the most uncomfortable things people face, especially speaking to people about the things that have hurt us
The enemy tries make us feel us like we are weak by seeking help from wise counsel which couldn’t be further from the truth
Only strong people acknowledge their pain and weaknesses and look for ways and people in right standing with God that will help them overcome their battles so that they grow stronger in their faith journey
Life isn’t easy, especially being a Christian, a lot of trails are thrown our way that test our faith, but having a good support system really does help us out on a lot of things
It is very scary to talk to people about our pain , and this is why it is important in this case to ask help and guidance from the Holy Spirit
To place us in the hands of wise people that will understand us and will not judge or gossip about us as well seek help from them

Ephesians 4vs 32 NIV “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ forgave you”.
As I wrote in my blog post 4 UGLY TRUTHS ABOUT UNFORGIVENESS It is more detrimental to us to keep holding on to the pain that was caused by others and move around with the victim mentality
We are all flawed people, we are bound to hurt each other one way or the other. However, taking the hurt that we have experienced and holding on to it isn’t helpful to us and isn’t even biblical
Christ paid the price on the cross so we can experience joy in Him and not focus on the hurt that the world wants to offer us
The only way we can do that is by drawing closer to Him and His principles on how to walk and have a heart that He had when faced with such situations
Realizing that people hurt us because of who they are and what they haven’t healed from and not because of who we are is really the first step to freedom
Romans 12vs12 NIV “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer”
There is hope for a better tomorrow if you choose to have a relationship with God through His son Jesus Christ.
Brokenness does have a way of making us start to believe that we are less than and we don’t deserve all the good that wants to come our way
Acknowledgement that things did happen, it was only but a season and reflecting on how that situation helped us grow and draw closer to God is all we need to do
They’re good things that await us when we surrender our hurt to God, however, it is up to us to want to move from the situation or stay in it
As God will never force us into anything that we don’t want to do. But I will say that a life in Christ is far much better than leaning on negative things of this world
And focusing on how cruel people can be. It is not beneficial and in fact can have a negative impact on our relationship with God
So, let go of all of it and choose God, because by doing so, you will choose everlasting peace, freedom and joy, and know that whatever life throws at you, you are still loved and embraced by God.
[…] did go into detail about this topic in my blog post 5 WAYS CHRISTIANS CAN HEAL FROM THEIR BROKEN PAST on the importance of not carrying around negative things of the […]