It was one October afternoon when me and a friend of mine sat under a mango tree cooling off from the scotching summer heat of Lusaka
When I suddenly felt a prompting to ask him this question after three minutes of silence between us “what would you do if you were caught masturbating?”
And as I looked up at him, I was met with a shocked face and an almost shy yet awkward giggle followed by a response that till this day I laugh at when I think back to the moment
Which was “I would just tell the person I’m moisturizing”
Masturbation, a topic often debated among Christians, involves deliberate self-stimulation to achieve sexual arousal.
As a Christian community, it’s important to explore this issue beyond surface-level assumptions, and consider its implications within the context of our faith.
While there are no direct scriptural references to masturbation, its effects on our spiritual and emotional well-being warrant thoughtful consideration.
Which has me thinking, like me, before this how many of us as a Christian community just accepted the fact that masturbation was a sin without actually digging deeper and finding out for ourselves
And backing it up with our Christian principals in case someone who saw no harm came to us demanding us to change their mind about masturbation being a sin.
As I mentioned, they are no direct scripture references to this
But they are some scriptures that I will use as I go along to help me justify my point on this topic on why I feel as a Christian you are to flee from this act as it serves you no good.
Understanding Masturbation
Masturbation is the intentional self-stimulation for sexual gratification, a practice that is prevalent among people of all backgrounds.
While some may regard it as harmless, its effects on our spiritual and mental state are often overlooked.
Let me also add on that studies have in fact shown that about 90 percent of Christian teenagers (this includes both male and female) will have masturbated before they reach 21
And all who were asked about their experience will let you know that they had felt a sense of guilt after the act, the same guilt they felt after losing their virginity some would confess.
Before I go on any further, let just mention that it is okay for every human being to have sexual argues, so, with all due respect, don’t pray against them lol
As a human race God designed us as sexual beings Genesis 1vs28 “God blessed them and said to them now go be fruitful and multiply” (this is God instructing Adam and Eve).

Seeking Clarity in a Christian Context
As believers, it’s essential to apply our Christian principles and teachings when evaluating matters like masturbation.
Although there aren’t explicit scriptures addressing this practice, we can turn to broader biblical teachings to gain insights into its alignment with our faith.
We were designed by God to reproduce through sexual intercourse ONLY in a marriage setting as any believer would attest to this.
Which leads me to my second scripture, Song of Solomon 3vs 5 “do not arouse or awaken love till it so desires”.
God’s plan was for sexual love and any intimate emotions that any person has to end up in the right container which is marriage
It is Christian malpractice lol to awaken romantic love without marriage in mind, the same applies with sexual desires
Ephesians 5vs 31-33 “for this cause a man leaves his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and the two shall be one flesh.
God’s Design for Intimacy
God designed us as sexual beings, and within the context of marriage, sexual intimacy is celebrated.
Scriptures such as Genesis 1:28 and Ephesians 5:31-33 emphasize that sexual relations are meant for the union of husband and wife.
This foundation underscores the significance of maintaining sexual purity and honoring the sanctity of marriage.
Which means any act of sexual arousal between man and woman or by ourselves is prohibited by God.
Many will then ask this question “why can’t I masturbate because at the end of day I am not hurting anyone?”
Many would assume that masturbation is only for pleasure without thinking of the detrimental effects to themselves.
Again, studies have gone to show that people who often masturbate will usually need additional stimulation as the act itself 9/10 will not be enjoyed without additional sources like pornography videos/ sexual images
Or just the thought of any person’s naked body. Now, in the years that I have lived on this earth
Never have I ever heard someone say they prayed before masturbation or listened to some worship music while engaging in the act
I may be wrong, but all I can say is if you have managed to do so CONGRATUALTIONS FRIEND YOU ARE A LEGEND!!!
Guilt and Accountability
As I have mentioned that studies have shown that a majority of Christian teenagers have engaged in masturbation before adulthood, often leading to feelings of guilt
This suggests that a discrepancy exists between the act and one’s conscience, which may be indicative of its misalignment with our Christian values.
In all seriousness, any act that pulls you away from purity and the ability for God to be glorified is not worth destroying a relationship with God
1 Peter 1vs13 “therefore prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Masturbation has the power to consume someone and make them an addict, why?
As humans, we all produce a hormone called Oxytocin which is responsible for the feelings of love and satisfaction in the sexual setup happens after an orgasm (I’m assuming you’re are old enough to understand what that means lol)
Which leads me to this point, if you train your mind to seek satisfaction from masturbation, you will create a dysfunctional pattern in your life and mind to thinking pleasure can only come from masturbation
Now we all know the devil comes to steal kill and destroy ( John 10vs 10) in this case he will come to steal the thoughts in your mind that sexual pleasure is only supposed to happen between a man and woman in the context of marriage
Kill every desire you have to finding a partner cause you will be brought down to thinking masturbation comes with less work than finding and building a relationship with someone because you would rather please yourself and get the “same results”
and destroy forms of purity you have within yourself because you will begin to seek for lustful things to help you with self-pleasure

The Perils of Escalation
Masturbation, if not approached with caution, can escalate into harmful behaviors such as addiction and reliance on external stimuli like pornography.
Engaging in these practices can distort one’s perception of intimacy and objectify human relationships, leading to spiritual and emotional consequences.
And that’s why we hear stories of people in marriages that will rather turn to masturbation despite having a spouse
Or single girls in particular that would rather receive sexual satisfaction from self-stimulating objects than be in a relationship that embraces purity (no forms of sexual activities until marriage)
For some of these reasons is why the adult industry is one of the fastest growing industries because people have allowed the enemy’s pulpit to speak louder in their life and tricking them into thinking watching porn and masturbating with self-stimulating tools is just for pleasure when in fact, it hinders them from their God given purpose
The Path to Healing
Breaking free from the stronghold of masturbation requires a concerted effort. Engaging in healthy spiritual practices can aid in overcoming this challenge such as:
- Immerse in God’s Word: Filling our minds with scriptures, podcasts, and sermons can redirect our focus towards God’s teachings, guiding us away from harmful behaviors.
- Community and Accountability: Joining church groups, Bible studies, and forming strong friendships with fellow believers fosters a supportive environment for growth and accountability.
- Active Devotion and Prayer: Cultivating a consistent devotion and prayer life deepens our connection with God, enabling us to seek His guidance in overcoming struggles.
Discernment Through Reflection
Evaluating masturbation within the framework of our faith involves introspection of:
- Does this practice glorify God?
- Does it enhance my relationship with Him?
- Would I feel comfortable discussing this openly as a Christian?
- Does it align with the principles I uphold as a believer?
- Does it leave me feeling fulfilled or guilty afterward?
I will end with this
The discussion surrounding masturbation as a Christian involves deeper contemplation beyond societal norms. While direct scriptural references may be absent, we should consider its impact on our relationship with God and our personal spiritual journey. Striving for sexual purity and honoring God’s design for intimacy fosters a life in alignment with our faith. May we find wisdom, guidance, and strength to navigate these challenging conversations as we seek to live according to God’s will.
Prayer for anyone struggling with masturbation
Heavenly Father,
Grant us the discernment to navigate the complexities of our faith in a changing world. As we grapple with issues like masturbation, help us to lean on Your Word and teachings. May our actions always bring glory to Your name and may we honor the sanctity of our bodies as temples of Your Spirit. Guide us in seeking true intimacy and fulfillment within the boundaries You’ve set, that we may find peace, joy, and purpose in living according to Your design.
In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
To the gracedthroughfaith.com webmaster, Your posts are always informative and well-explained.
It is a sin of course as it’s self pleasure … lust per say that’s why God made man and woman to satisfy themselves in marriage…
Outstanding post, I think blog owners should larn a lot from this web site its real user genial.