I have recently come to an understanding that the most confident people aren’t the ones with a lot of money or fame
But those who have an understanding of how to be confident and love themselves flaws and all.
It really does become a turning point in one’s life when they really discover who they are, their value and how they would like to be treated by others.
I think for the person reading this, who has already mastered the act of self-love, will in fact testify that it will be a long road to get to this point
A lot of lessons have to learned and self-sacrifice needs to be practiced.
If seems tough in the beginning but with a lot of practice, it becomes more of a mindless lifestyle and you really start to see the tremendous benefits of your positive choices.
As you begin to practice these tips on my list, I guarantee you that you will start to see a difference in the way you should live your life
Cause Lord knows how much my perspective to a lot of things has changed after implementing these tips in my own life.
EATING MORE CLEAN AND HEALTHY- now believe me I do love a packet of chips from time to time lol.
As I started growing older and began to have more grown-up tasks to do lol
I realized that if I needed to complete them and actually excel at what I needed to do, I needed to back it up with a healthy diet.
I noticed when I did that, I started waking up on time and actually having enough energy to run around and get things done
And actually get them done without feeling like I over worked myself.
This is because I cut off a lot of things that were detrimental to my well-being ; from refined sugar to unnecessary snacking.

IMPLEMENTING EXCERISE TO YOUR ROUTINE- this does not mean breaking your back to live up to the standards of what society thinks a perfect body is.
As simple as a long walk around the neighborhood really does make a difference.
A perfect time to reflect on yourself and be self-aware of things in your life that you would actually need to change and cut out from your life.
Doing this actually also improves blood circulation in your body and in turn makes you feel less stressed and lethargic.
DEVELOP THE HEART OF ACTUALLY SAYING NO SOMETIMES- people pleasing will only take you so far in life. Don’t get me wrong it is really good to help out others
In my blog post LEARN TO SAY NO; A JOURNEY TO SELF LOVE I did go into full detail about this
But it shouldn’t come to the expense of where your needs are put second to other’s needs
If helping out in a situation means it will leave you drained and actually be detrimental to your mental health then it is not worth it.
Learn to put yourself first in a lot of things, you matter too, your goals, your dreams and of course your well-being.
LEARN THE BALANCING ACT OF LIFE- as much as it important to follow your dreams and goals, let it also sink in that it is also important to relax and enjoy life.
This comes down to actually putting limits on yourself and how you will approve things, as the saying goes “too much of everything isn’t good for anyone”
Yes, even over working yourself to achieve your goals. Give yourself grace and move at a healthy speed of your goal achievement.
Don’t burn yourself out trying to be rich and wealthy so much so that you don’t have wonderful memories that you made to look back on and stories to share with others.
DEVELOP HABITS OF TAKING YOURSELF OUT- self appreciation is an important ingredient to self-love.
It’s important to never wait for anyone to make you feel special.
So, take yourself out to your favorite restaurant, you got that promotion or big break, buy yourself those flowers you deserve them!!!
The best person that knows what makes you happy and smile is you, so why not give yourself the same love you try to give others.
LEARN TO DEVELOP BOUNDARIES WITH PEOPLE- I have learned in my years as I have grown older that not everyone is your friend. Some people will only want you in their lives if it benefits them.
The best way to show yourself love in this situation is establish boundaries for yourself of actually allowing who enters your space and how much of them you want in your life.
It is okay to be friendly with a lot of people but it is dangerous to befriend many. It really does save you a lot of pressure of having unnecessary drama and gossip in your life.

DEVELOP A HEART OF GRATITUDE- developing a heart of gratitude really helps develop some self- love because it makes you learn to love on yourself and be grateful for even the little things that are happening in your life.
Appreciation of even the smallest things really helps build your self-confidence and in turn helps build self -love because you are actually congratulating yourself and being your biggest cheerleader.
STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS- your life is your journey, so stop paying attention to what other people are doing or who is doing better than you.
It is important to remember that everyone’s journey is different. Even though some people may seem ahead of you in the same career or whatever point of life you may be in right now
But always remember that your time will come, and while you are waiting, learn to trust the process and learn to love and embrace the season that you are in right now.
It does get tough sometimes, the key factor here is to learn who you are as a person
To learn to love yourself flaws and all, and always remember that you are beautiful in your own right and you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
ALLOW YOURSELF TO MAKE MISTAKES- self-love is also accepting that you will make mistakes and you will grow from them.
Often times we beat ourselves to the ground trying to be perfect even though we know for a fact that it will never be possible.
No one will ever go through life without mistakes. Loving yourself also comes with constantly working on yourself and accepting the falls to happen, it is part of self-growth.
It is a lot of unnecessary work trying to present yourself to the world as a perfect being.
I have come to learn that people really love authenticity, relatability and truthful people, so love yourself through the mistakes you make and learn to grow from them.
LEARN TO TRUST YOURSELF- ending my points with a personal favorite lol.
It’s really funny how much we (yes myself included) most times trust opinions of others over our own life.
Self-love starts with trusting who you are and what you are capable of. Trusting that you will make the right decisions in whatever circumstances you are faced with
Now don’t get me wrong, it is healthy to ask for opinions about certain things but those opinions should not over ride the Holy spirit lead feeling about things.
You are the author of your process; you know what you will in fact serve you best in the moment, learn to trust yourself and the decisions you make, trust me it will turn out fine when you surrender it to God.
To end things off, I just wanna conclude that
It really becomes liberating and exciting when we learn to love ourselves and put our well-being first
It doesn’t mean we are a bad person when we put ourselves first. We are in fact serving ourselves from future emotional damage and neglect.
Try these tips and see how your life will begin to change.
It will also be important to give yourself grace in the process and realize that it is a journey of unlearning and rediscovering yourself but in the end
It will work out fine and you will be better and feel better than how you started.
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