While the past few years have been filled with God’s graced and mercy over my life
It will really be hypocritical of me right now to just point out the good side of these years and leave out the challenges that helped shape me who I am today
Not to come on here and complain to you on how that has been but to be thankful. Yes, in the moment it really felt overwhelming and a lot of questions to God began to linger
In my mind and yes even wanting to understand in the moment if the struggles were a lesson or a punishment from Him
It is only now that I begin to look back with gratitude in all that I went through because it has really shown me how strong I can be through Christ
And how much of Him I need as I go on in my Faith journey
Among the many things I had struggled with, anxiety was my toughest battle to overcome. Over and over, I prayed for God to just let it vanish from my life so I can be free
But looking back, I realize how much it would have been selfish of Him to just remove it from me without giving me the tools to help me fight it the next time the enemy tries to bring it back in my life
The most powerful weapon the Lord has gifted us believers is His word, and He has assured us that it shall never return unto Him void in Isaiah 55vs 11
God’s word is like a soothing blanket on a cold day. If you ever wanted to read about the true nature of God, I suggest you just you read His word
Because psalms 23 really helped me realize that He was going to carry me though every battle I was going to face and not for one second was He and will He ever leave me alone to figure out anything by myself
As someone who was in a dark place, this scripture served more than words to me, but as Spiritual compass on how I was going to get over this tough season of my life
Psalm 23 vs 1-2 NIV “The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing, He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me besides quiet waters”
Like many of us, I too am no stranger of constantly worrying about where my life is headed and what the next season of my life will look like
What we need to be rest assured in is that God is our shepherd, this means He will not leave us out in the open for wolves to attack us (our enemies)
He will always protect us at all cost even though we may not see it sometimes. A “hold on or wait” from God could be Him clearing out the danger and making the path straight for us before we walk into it
Just like a shepherd scans out for danger before letting his sheep in the green pasture
We need draw from the obedient nature of sheep that only moves upon the instruction of its shepherd knowing that He’s directing us to the greenest pastures and the cleanest waters
Psalm 23vs 3 NIV “He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for His name’s sake
Like I mentioned before God will never leave us nor forsake us. What we need to know when choosing to live a Christ centered life is that
The only way we are to see elevation in our life is when we are fully surrendered to His word and promises over us
What causes anxiety in many of our lives is when we try to make way and open doors in our lives that God sometimes may have not even intended for us to walk through
Having a relationship with God will definitely refresh your soul and give you the desire to be content with whatever He has for you in the season you’re in
And you will definitely not shy away from giving Him glory because you will know who’s power is working behind the provision

Psalm 23 vs 4 NIV “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me”
The greatest confidence in Christ is knowing that they will be attacks and obstacles from the enemy but you know with no doubt that God’s power is sufficient enough to bring you through them
A lot of us face anxiety because we are so focused on the problem but not the one who can help us get through the problem
Accepting God into your life also means resting in the fact that He is king of kings and no problem is too big for Him to solve
What you need to know is that protection from God is ever present, its up to you to ask for it and fully rest in it
Psalm 23 vs 5 NIV “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil and my cup overflows
One thing to know about our heavenly Father is that He will never have our enemies have the last laugh
They are so many of us who are in our season of waiting and are getting mocked or looked down upon while we wait for the promises of the Lord to manifest
But fear not and don’t get anxious because the beauty of God is that He shows of His glory through His creations and you are no exception
If you are to put your eggs in one basket you better put them in following God, because He will never ask you to follow only to embarrass you
Your enemies may laugh now but trust that He is preparing a table for you that will shock many and it will be evident that it was only Him that could make it happen

Psalm 23 vs 6 NIV “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever
In order for us to be set free from anxiety, we need to stand firm in the kingdom of God. One of the benefits of leaning on to God is that He will be the one to fight your battles instead of yourself
The grace, mercy and protection are just some of the blessings that come from His kingdom
So, fear not for the Lord knows what you’re going through and He will work it out
Anxiety can only be overcome by surrendering to our shepherd. Truth of the matter is you can never make it through this world without God, in as much as you would want to believe that sometimes
The enemy wants you to worry about the future and feel insignificant to your purpose because he knows by crippling you, you will fear going after what God has promised
Just take one day at time and ask for instruction from God on what to do everyday to reach your promised land and try not to worry much on the future
Leave that to God because worrying doesn’t change anything and can actually distance you from Him because you will begin to listen to the lies of the enemy instead of what His word says
The best is in store for you, God will never let you down, trust and believe that
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