Allow me to first point out that the enemy has got a lot of us feeling confident in things that are far from God.
From looks, to how many followers we have, what we own, who our friends are and how much money we earn. All this disappoints me especially when I look back
At the life I once choose to live at one point, because at the end of the day, with all the good worldly things that would happen to me
My soul still felt crushed and my spirit still felt empty because at the end of everything, all I needed was God to touch my life and change my perspective on the things that do matter
Because the things of this world will never satisfy anyone the way the love of God can, we can try and pretend to happy but there comes a time when
Everything starts to feel temporary and meaningless and our spirit man begins to search for a deeper understanding towards certain things
It is not wrong to seek comfort in life and work hard to live the life that you have dreamed of but if it comes are the cost of not having a relationship with God
Then that alone should have you thinking of the things that will bring you true satisfaction in your life
A very famous verse in the book of Mathew verse 6:33 NIV “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these will be given to you as well”
This means that being a Christ follower is having confidence that He is the one who gives us the desires of our heart as long as we submit to Him and love Him above anything else
And as soon as you realize that having confidence starts with having a relationship with Him and knowing that through Him all things are possible
You will begin to overcome your fleshly desires as you will focus more on nurturing the needs of the Spirit and Soul
So then, how do you begin to confident in Christ?
- Pray and seek His face
For any relationship to be healthy, communication needs to be had. God does really want a relationship with us whether we like would like one with Him or not
Talk to God like you would talk to any human being and lay down all your thoughts and worries, yes it may seem silly to others because how does one do that with someone they can’t see
But being a believer is also understanding that yes, He may not respond to us the way fellow humans do but one thing to be confident in is that He will give us a response the best way He sees fit
This is why it is so important to pray to Him daily because it will only be then that you will discover the distinct ways,
He will choose to communicate with you (either through dreams, scripture, vision etc.) without the devil misleading you
Because God will definitely give you clarity if it’s coming from Him

2. Work with what you have
God can only elevate and expand the gifts that He has blessed you with and not what you try to copy from others
This is why is it very crucial for a Christ follower to really be in tune with what the Holy Spirit is speaking to them at each season of their lives
And yes, this also includes the line of calling and career.
They are some examples in the bible of people that worked with what they had and God multiplied it, like the parable of the talents Mathew 25 vs 14-30 or the story David and Goliath 1 Samuel 17
There is so much that comes with following instruction from God because His the one who put that desire in your heart
He’s the one that knows best how it is needed on this earth and when it is needed, you don’t have to worry on how it will all work out, you just have to do your part and surrender it all to Him
And let Him work it out how He feels fit to multiple and present it to the earth and in turn get all the glory
3. Stop comparing yourself
This is a common trick that the enemy uses on a lot of us believers. His mission is to cause conflict and Jealousy in the Christian community
When God clearly wants us all to work with the gifts and talents that He has given us and celebrate each other’s unique ability
The beauty about our Heavenly Father is that He’s a one size fits all type of God. He would never grace each believer with different talents and calling to show favoritism
But to prove that He can’t be boxed into one category of wonders and blessings. And we as believers need to get familiar with that
As soon as we realize that, we would then know that each of us are called for a different mission and purpose that God wants to showcase through us
Even though our callings may appear to be the same in man’s eyes

4. Set boundaries
The bible clearly says in Proverbs 4 vs 23 that we are to guard our heart above all else because everything flows from it.
Being a believer is also knowing that not everyone can have full access to your personal life because not everyone has the best intentions for your life
This is especially true of our purpose on this earth, letting everyone have access to you or speak over your life can be dangerous
Because not everyone can be using the Spirit of God to declare and pray over your life
So be careful of the people you share your visions and dreams with especially when they are still at infant stage because that’s the very time that the enemy likes to easily destroy things
So, keep your circle small and above all let God give you the answers to what you need so that anything that man speaks over you should only serve as confirmation to what He has already spoken
Pray to God to allow people into your life that will make you confident in all things Christ and that will rightly cover you in prayer as you pursue your aspirations
5. Develop self- discipline
One of the fruits of the Spirit is having self-control. For you to walk fully in Christ you need to develop a healthy discipline and follow every instruction that He gives you
Sometimes it does seem like nothing is moving or changing but we need to trust and believe that He knows the right time for us like I mentioned
God gives us instruction in each season of our lives, and it may not make sense in that very moment but when we are in a different season is when we understand why He made us do certain things
Developing self- discipline also reminds us of who is in control and how we can only go so far to try make things happen for ourselves
It also gives us full confidence on who to call for a grantee change of level or circumstance. It also develops patience in us to lean fully on God because we know only, He can make things possible
Ways of man can only get us so far, but surrendering it all to God will help us build our confidence in all areas of our life
We need to fully rest on Him and all His promises over our lives and always remember that He is not a man that He shall lie
He knows what is best for us, and He will never lead us into anything that will harm us, if anything, He will do the opposite, by saving us from all things that are going to bring us hurt
Just trust and believe that He is the King of kings and if you surrender your life to Him, rest assured that you will be in the safest hands ever.
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