Through His grace and our faith, God gives us power to declare and surrender everything to Him to make us strong women of His Kingdom
It is not easy being a woman of faith, from a lot of obstacles we face to the discrimination of always being made to feel less than
I’m however not saying that women are more important than men in the kingdom, I am just trying to make it clear that we were brought on this earth for a specific purpose
Completely different from men, and the enemy knows that, he knows that we are the receivers of man’s seed and vessels to bring forth the next generation of kingdom warriors
He knows that women were created to be the nurturers and not the protectors and that’s why he has sent his agents to push the narrative that woman don’t need a man in a home
As woman of God, we need to stand and declare that no matter the patterns of the world that others may try to follow
We will not fall into the trap of thinking that they are right just because everyone who is doing them seems to be succeeding in life, and that’s why
We need to stay rooted with these promises that we are going to declare and ask God to help us keep them
As much we hear people on TV or the internet emphasis staying pure before marriage and end there, I would like to take it a step further
Staying pure should not be tied to marriage or just because you want to honor your spouse. Yes, it is part of the reason don’t get me wrong
But staying pure should be because you want to be in right standing with God ( I’m talking about sex outside of marriage by the way lol)
What if we are only to tie purity in hopes of being married but God’s calling for some of us is to lifetime singleness, then what?
Walking in purity should be because you want to receive salvation from God and not only because you want to get married someday
So, if you must commit to purity it should be because you want to be in right standing with God
And with what His word says concerning sexual immorality and not because you want God to bless you with a spouse
One thing to remember, in which ever point you are in your spiritual journey is that; God is the answer to everything and He uses man to bring forth what He wants the world to hear
It is very dangerous for any believer to lean on what man says about their life (especially through prophesy) and take it as the final say without asking God for confirmation
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not coming on here to say you shouldn’t be in community with believers and ask for wisdom
We are meant to do that. No Christian can walk through this journey alone Ecclesiastes 4vs 9-12
What I’m saying is seek relationship with God first and discover who you are and your purpose in His kingdom
Before letting man speak over you and give you direction which the Lord might not even want for you to begin with. Always remember to not fully put your trust in man
We are all flawed and sometimes we might miss what God is trying to communicate through us. But by having relationship with Him
He can quickly make our paths straight and direct us to which ever line of purpose He wants us in

We all serve the same God but each of us has a different relationship with Him; with that comes different conviction that He gives us over our personal journey
Yes, they are some Christian convictions that are universal, and they are some convictions that will lead us to the Universal convictions
Allow me to give an example of this point. Alcohol!! They are some that feel that drinking alcohol leads them to sexual sin or provoke anger issues , cause people lose self-control or excess partying etc.
While they may be some that will drink a glass or two and have the self- control to stop themselves. That does not now make the non-alcohol drinkers to shame the alcohol drinkers
Drinking is not a sin, it’s the over indulging and drunkardness that’s a sin. So please remember that whatever convictions God gives you, they are for you to draw closer to Him
And not for you preach as biblical truth and start condemning others that participating in them
Christ gave us this command, “Love others as I Have loved you” John 13 vs 34.
Like the bible clearly states that it would be very hypocritical for someone to Love God but hate His fellow brothers and sisters 1 john 14 vs 20
The true testament of a true believer is how much love they show others regardless of how much hate they throw at them
It is not our position to venge our neighbors for the hurt they have cause in our lives, that’s for the Lord to do
Forgiveness and peace should be what we pray for after such situations
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This means our lifestyle and what ever we decide to post or part take in should be in alignment in with God’s word
So much so that it should inspire others to want to be a part of His kingdom.There’s a lot of stigma with being a believer in that people think it’s boring and has too many rules
And that’s because people are more focused on condemning others instead of welcoming them as they are
In hopes that they will change as time goes by. Remember we were once lost in the things of this world that we thought would bring us salvation
It is the grace of God that has brought us this far and with that, we ought to extend this grace to others because we all know how much they need it

Through Christ God can change our old sinful habits and make us Christ like, but all that takes surrender to His will over our life
When you begin to walk with Christ, your demeanor and attitude towards certain things begins to change, the old has gone and the new is here 2 Corinthians 5 vs 17
It is important to become the best version of yourself because it is easier for God to use you as a vessel in His kingdom
And it is easier to hear from God when you have so much clarity in your mind and with no baggage that you are carrying around
And is easy for people to want to be around you and communicate with you in order for both of you to grow firmly in Christ
We all have hurt and past trauma that brought us to our weakest points of life, but that doesn’t mean should walk around as victims and go on to hurt others in the process
Because of things we fail to surrender to God to turn for His good. Always remember that He’s the healer and no situation is too much or too big for Him to turn-around
Just surrender it all to Him and watch how He turns your life for the better and it will all be for His glory
Having read your blog, you obviously know what you are talking about.