Many of us in the Christian community will get attacks from the enemy that will shake us up and question our faith because of the unfortunate situations that may occur in our life
Often questions may arise in these moments as we begin to ask God if He’s truly watching over us and sometimes even question His protection over our life
We often times turn to scripture and see what His word says but sometimes can’t put two and two together because of how contrary our life is going compared to what His word says about us
The true evidence of Christianity is how much faith we have in our most high God but yet still, He gave us the ability to have faith but never removed doubt in this world out of our free will
One thing to know about God is that He will never create nor has He ever created a dictatorship kingdom of which it will feel one sided to aide in Him
So those who have doubt in His existence may openly live in it and those that truly believe in His existence may full rest in Him through their faith and how He has come through for them
Psalm 34vs8 says “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him”
A very short yet profound statement from king David to simply invite us to see for ourselves and testify of this and every covenant He has made with mankind
A very open invitation through His word to come and see what His kingdom is all about and how much truthfulness is tied to Him
Mostly, we experience doubt when we try to understand the infinite nature of God forgetting that we are finite beings and we shall never get to His level of understanding things no matter how much we try
And then sometimes it maybe because of the whispers of the enemy constantly discouraging us and somewhat convincing us that the goodness of God will be visible in everyone’s life but ours
It is important however to remember when you are experiencing doubt that it is the first move that enemy will make to lower you to following his cult
He did that with Eve in the garden Genesis 3 vs 1-5 NIV and made her turn on the instruction that God gave both her and Adam, and he still does this to us till this day
To somewhat shrink our faith and bow down to his kingdom on earth because it is equally not far out of reach and it is mostly of things that are fleeting that we can touch and see
But one thing that still should rest in our mind is that though we may not physically see God in flesh at the moment, the evidence of HIs creation
Regardless of what the people will try to tell us about other forms of the world’s formation, one thing they have failed to argue is that everything that they try to prove as “scientific” can also be proven in biblically
But one thing will always be true, without the presence of the Holy Spirit in people’s lives, they will always try to explain God’s infinite nature to their finite wisdom about Him
It takes some level of spiritual wisdom to at least explain the nature of God and of which will never be fully be unveiled to us here on earth
So, if the spirit of doubt begins to cripple your mind, ask yourself the spirit the is empowering it
The other reason people may quickly fall into doubt is because they haven’t specifically sat down with themselves and actually evaluated the real reason as to why they follow Christ
Many may do it because it’s all they have ever known from family and friends and just choose it by default and thus not having an intimate relationship with Him and choose to only “hear and know” about Him through others
But the promises of God only manifest in those that are in an intimate relationship with Him. Some may argue with this statement and go on to prove that indeed others will prosper without a relationship with God
That is true, but if we go back in the bible to Genesis 4vs17 Cain did actually prosper after killing his brother
But one thing to ask yourself before you get discouraged is that, Was the hand of God over him?
Anybody can and will prosper, but as a Christian we are to make sure that our soul is like wise prospering in the process as well
The enemy will bring out doubt by showing how his people are wealthy through the material things we may see but always remember, it is at the cost of their soul
And as the end of the day is it even worth it? As the bible may ask Mark 8 vs 36-37 NLT ” And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? is anything worth more than your soul?
The only way to escape the spirit of doubt is by growing in grace as Peter tells is in 2 peter 3v 18 NLT ” Rather, you must grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, All glory to Him , both now and forever! Amen
In this way, we may begin to understand His word and know that it is actually a privilege to wake up and seek His face everyday
Doubt also creeps in when we don’t spend enough time in His presence , I mean how then will the enemy have a loophole if you are constantly in God’s presence?
The bible tells us in James 4vs7 NLT ” So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Resisting the devil maybe the easiest way to overcome doubt, God knew that we by ourselves aren’t capable of killing the devil and that’s why He just told us to avoid his tactics
The devil knows that without Christ in our lives, we are simply moving around like lost sheep
And yes even though sometimes the things we might pursue may make us look like we are progressing
The devil doesn’t care if we occasionally shout the name of God and give Him thanks for things that are happening in our lives
As long as our lifestyle doesn’t match that of a born-again believer, then that’s all that matters to him
The devil has the ability to elevate us in his foolish ways that we may begin to doubt and question if really living and obeying God’s kingdom is the solution that we have been looking for
Always remember, doubt really does move you from the presence of God and somewhat makes you think you have the ability to make things happen on your own
As much as the new age will make you think that calling things out and putting things into the “universe” does give you answers you need (which is totally false by the way)
Yes they may “work” and give you the desires of your own heart, but one thing to remember, God’s blessings and elevation is far much greater than what the enemy can give you
If you have been feeling lost or doubtful of a lot of things in your life, make this first step and call out to God and be
Guaranteed that He will open His heart and ears to you and give you the clarity that you have been searching for, God is not the author of confusion as His word says it in 1 Corinthians 14 vs 33 NLT ” For God is not a God of disorder but of peace as in all the meetings of God’s holy people”
The spirit of doubt takes full advantage in an atmosphere of confusion and the devil will flourish in it because that’s his goal to create confusion around us and send off his army to attack us with doubt
But remember always when all this happens that, through Christ you have all the strength you need to overcome all the doubt you have over everything
It’s in God that you will find all the answers you need, and that’s by Prayer, that you choose to lean on Him for dear life and know of Him through the Christian campus, that is the bible
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