A woman of honor who can find her. Perfectly described in detail that some may argue that it seems unrealistic to follow her traits down to the tee while same may say it’s not
But whatever the correct answer maybe, I think all the men in the Christian community can agree that this proverb has saved them a lot of stressful and misleading relationships
And all Christian women will agree that practicing her lifestyle has added more value to their life and raised their standards on which type of man to submit to
So, what’s the Genesis of the Proverbs 31 woman?
This proverb was written by king Lemuel as an inspiration of his mother’s teachings dedicated mostly to the youth of the time arguably men that were seeking marriage and wisdom
As well as what noble qualities to look for in a woman whom they hoped to marry
Written when Solomon was king, in a time when women were devalued and men abused their power over them, I think this was very necessary for King Lemuel to have written this because
Not only did he help set the minds of men during his time with a perfect structure roles for women in society, but has long lived to help women with the Christian structure of marriage
Who is a proverbs 31 woman?
This is a woman who is a girl boss, let’s start there, A woman who is considered an alpha in society but still carries a submissive spirit towards her husband and her marriage role
She is a go getter, a woman of noble personality traits
A woman you would be proud to call mom, wife or even friend. Loyal, hardworking, structured, well spoken, I mean, IS THERE ANYTHING SHE CAN’T DO!!!!
And that’s why
Your season of singleness may arguably be the most important season of your life to prepare and allow God to prune you of a lot of things that are unholy
So, this may be the perfect time for the single ladies to inherit some of these habits to their daily life so it should only come effortless to implement them in marriage season
How to become a Proverbs 31 woman in your single season
Proverbs 31 vs10 NIV, “A wife of noble character who can find her? She is worth far more than rubies.
- This is a rare type of woman, one who presents Christ like Character. In today’s world where people can freely post naked videos of themselves with profanity in their language,
Be different. this means that
Your posts and your lifestyle should be in reflection of someone who is fully surrendered to Jesus. Use your social media to preach the gospel and encourage people to come to Christ
Proverbs 31 vs 11-12, NIV “Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value, she brings him good and not harm, all the days of her life.
2. To become someone who is a ray of sun shine you need to work on bettering your heart posture towards a lot of things
This may be a time in your singleness to learn to let go on a lot of people and things that you feel don’t serve you
This may also be a perfect time to ask guidance from the Holy Spirit on ways to adjust your attitude towards certain things your spiritual journey as a single woman
Proverbs 31 vs 13-14 NIV “She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. She is the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar
3. As I was writing this point immediately Ecclesiastes 9 vs 10 dropped in my spirit
As Christian woman yes, it’s true that men were ordained by God to be the providers of a household, but that does not mean we are you only depend a man for everything
Marriage is a partnership; it would really make huge difference in a household if they were two sources of income
Ecclesiastes 4 vs 9-10 NIV “Two are better than one, because they are a good return for their labor: if either of them falls down one can help the other up
Unless your husband really doesn’t mind you not working and through prayer as a family and God confirms that it’s the best thing for your marriage ,then it’s okay but
in the mean time, start that business that you’ve always wanted to start, work your dream job, build the life that life that you’ve always wanted for yourself
I must note however that your work should not come at the expense of you failing to manage your household when the time comes
Because we all know that the first responsibility of a wife is to manage issues of her household before anything else
- Proverbs 31 vs 15 NIV “She gets up while it’s still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants
4 . This will be a perfect time as a single woman to develop and early prayer life maybe starting at 5am
In this hour, declare over your day and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you, this may also be a perfect time to begin to pray over your future husband and family
(Refer to my blog post 8 DAILY PRAYERS FOR YOUR HUSBAND OR FUTURE HUSBAND if you need some guidance)
The goal is to be as structured and task oriented as she is (verse 17)
After that create a to do list, help out with chores around your house, and if you leave by yourself, get up bright and early and be as productive as possible
- Proverbs 31 vs 20 NIV “She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy
5. This maybe the time to start extending your hands to the needy and show kindness to the less fortunate
How so?
Take time to volunteer in your local community projects, church projects, school projects, any projects where people need extra hands
Part of being a good Christian citizen is being of service to His kingdom.
So, if you also do have the resources like money, clothes, time, food; share with those that don’t have
However, do it with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and not because you want to get clicks on social media
- Proverbs 31 vs 22 NIV, “She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple
6. LADIES !!!! modest dressing doesn’t mean sharing the same closet with our grandmothers!!!!
There is a way to still look presentable and attractive and still feel confident without revealing our bodies as Christian women
Find outfits that make you feel confident without breaking a bank and wear makeup that doesn’t make you seem like you’re screaming for unnecessary attention
And also wear outfits that will not bring shame to your household and will not make your husband feel ashamed to call you his wife
This also however doesn’t mean that it should be the sole source of your confidence because it’s what in the heart that matters more than what is presented on the outside
Just like it says in verse 30, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised
Always remember that confidence and affirmation from the Lord is the source of everything not material things
- Proverbs 31 vs 23 NIV, “She is clothed in strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come
7. There is nothing more appealing than a woman who is self-confident.
How does this happen?
When you get your confidence from God, no obstacles will phase you because you know who is in charge and who is in control
You always know that you’re protected and covered by His blood and no plans of the enemy will prosper over your life
- Proverbs 31 vs 26 NIV, “ she speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue
8. From the teachings that you’ve have learned from the bible and from your time with wise counsel, don’t be afraid to share them with others
Show others that you are a living example of God’s grace and mercy
And make it a point always to make an honest rebuke on things that aren’t in accordance with scripture in the Christian community
You are God’s trusted vessel for a reason. So, best of luck in your journey and remember, you got this.
[…] mold yourself to be the proverbs 31 woman that he is searching for. You can check out my blog post 8 WAYS TO BECOME A PROVERBS 31 WOMAN IN YOUR SINGLE SEASON on how to do […]