Before I go on any further, I just want to congratulate you for making the most important decision you will ever make in your life, and that’s choosing to live a Christ centered life
Not many have chosen this path and God knows it’s not easy, especially in the culture that we are living in today, and in case no one has ever said it to you
Let me be the first, I am so proud of you
A lonely and narrow path it is, and I wish someone would have told me in my early days that a lot of faith and trust in God as well as community with other believers would make it easier
I was raised Christian. All my life I would say I knew what it felt to know of God, what He did and what He continues to do on earth but until 18th March 2019
I didn’t know what it actually meant to surrender to the greater purpose of His kingdom, that my fleshly desires had to die for Christ to fully live in me
Now did I still do a bunch of immoral stuff while being newly born-again? ABSOULTELY! Because becoming born again does not mean your whole life will physically transform with a snap of a finger
Jesus said, in Mathew 16vs 24 NIV “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me” meaning
It’s a daily journey of renewal, So, to anyone still feeling lost after surrendering their life to Christ
Be mindful to also know that this daily decision to have to choose His will over your life will not mean that you will get it right all the time
But be encouraged to know that when you surrender your heart to Him and He will surely change your habits.
It hasn’t been easy I must admit, it is a lifestyle of having to unlearn and relearn a lot of things. Many think being born again means being perfect a human being
I did too, and again I wish someone would have also told me that not all days will be the same, and if I really wanted to fully immerse myself in Him I had to make my walk with Him
Intentional and make a choice to fully silence my voice to let the Holy Spirit speak through me and lead my ways daily
So then, what does it mean to boldly live for Christ?
So, to the person reading this right now, do not be hard on yourself, like I mentioned, you will make mistakes
But the beauty of making mistakes as a born-again believer is that there is a perfect Spirit now living in you that will set you straight
Convict you when necessary and teach you to live in the ways that Jesus lived on earth, and, the best part about all of this is that He does it because of His great love for you
Because He chose you before you chose him
Being born again also means we fully give access to the Holy Spirit to take total control over our lives. Easier said than done lol….why?
We live in an imperfect world that is full of temptations, it is easy to get lost in the ways of the world as at times they seem easier than the narrow road of a Christ believer
But boldly standing on His world and making scripture your life campus before making any life decisions whether big or small will help you out a whole lot

Having a heart of compassion towards others is very important. As the bible encourages us in
Ephesians 4vs 32 NIV “Be kind and compassionate towards one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ forgave you”.
We all come from different walks in life and different challenges to face. It is important for us to have a heart of Jesus when helping each other through the tough times
It is important to ask God for wisdom before advising our fellow believers because it makes it easier for us to know where they are coming from and properly discern on how to help them.
Each believer has a past that can’t be changed
As we are in community with each other we need to embrace one another and not take judgement on how someone behaved or lived before they came to know Jesus
We must also remember that we too are sinners saved by His grace, and we need the grace of God just as much as the next person
Jesus set this example with the adulterous woman in John 8. While many who were in sin wanted to shame her and stone her to death
Jesus himself with no sin didn’t judge her but demonstrated to all that it was in that time that she needed the hand of God the most.
While we are served by His blood and know the beauty of it, not everyone is willing to experience that for only God knows the real reasons why
While that shouldn’t stop us from trying to preach to them about the incredible benefits of living in Christ. Our approach to it however, should be that of a meek spirit
It is very dangerous for believers to look down on unbelievers and preach to them in a way which may make them feel that we are better than them.
That in itself will never let anyone want to come to Christ
It is important for us to tell them instead about the love of Christ rather than with the approach method of the the dos and don’ts of Christianity
Remember it’s the love and grace of God that saved us all from our sins and not the law

Sharing of information is very important as a community. God gave each believer a different gift with the purpose of sharing it with others
As believers, we are supposed to live as Christ lived, to serve others. The gifts given to us are to expose God’s kingdom to others
From prophecy to worship to preaching and so on. If we keep these gifts to ourselves, we are defeating the whole purpose of the mission of Christianity.
It’s true we are all given the same gifts by mention, but the beauty of a God given talent is that it is rooted in you and birthed for a very specific purpose to His kingdom
Realization of this can only happen when we are in full relationship with the Holy Spirit so we get full guidance on when to use it and the group of people to use it on.
How a person views what will happen when they die really affects the way they will live while alive
As believers
This is strongly taught to us that how we live here on earth, determines where we will spend the rest of our lives
So, now knowing that we not only live once but twice, how then must we conduct ourselves here on earth as it is only our temporary home?
We are to build our Godly fruits of the Spirit on earth so when we meet with our Father nothing should be unfamiliar
We need to realize that as believers, that the only difference between heaven and earth is earth is marred by sin, but Jesus overcame sin when he died on the cross and showed us how to live in a sinful world
So, consider earth as a place of investment, with this, treat your Christian lifestyle as “tools” that you are investing in, the same “tools” you will go and survive with in heaven
So, a question to ask yourself today, “How much do you have in your Christian bank account and how long will it sustain you when you get there?

One of my favorite verses in the book of Philippians is “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain” (1vs21). Because looking at the life that Paul had lived
From being stoned to prisoned, he still found joy in his afflictions and his faith in Christ remained evident. Not afraid to use himself as a living sacrifice to God
He knew that looking at the life he lived, as an example of someone who honored God. He is a perfect example that
Our life as believers is to bring honor to our Father at all cost
we are to remember that heaven has far more benefits than the life presented to us here on earth
Just like Paul, we are to live a life that will encourage others to follow Christ so that even in our time of death, we will surely know that we brought glory to God’s kingdom.
I am not really excellent with English but I find this rattling leisurely to read .