I think we can all agree reading this that having inflammation is one of the worst things that can happen to our body, from pimples, unexplained rashes, stomach pains you name it.
As someone who is prone to having candida, I have really learned how to nourish my body and know what foods to stay away from and those that are good for my immune system.
Like many, I thought that eating healthy would really cost me till I learned that not all foods that are good for you are expensive.
In fact, some of the unhealthy foods that we consume can be really costly as compared to some of the foods I’m about to mention on this list.
But before I list them down allow me to first explain what anti-inflammatory foods are.
These are foods that have been studied and proven by scientist to reduce bloating and maintain a healthy stomach lining and reduce the risk of someone getting cancer.
These are foods that we should be eating more of and add to our diet everyday if possible. And for those that are trying to maintain or reduce to a healthy weight, these foods may be crucial for that to happen.
Kindly note however, that I’m not a health nutritionist, these are just of the foods that I have seen work for me as well as other people in more beneficial ways than one.
So, let’s name them now shall we lol.
FATTY FISH- Very high in omega 3, studies have gone to prove that our body cannot produce omega 3 fatty acids, so we have to get them from our diet and fatty fish just happens to be loaded with them.
Omega 3s are very beneficial for people struggling with inflammation in the body because it has indeed been proven that they have the ability to reduce it and, in some cases
Help heal certain inflammation diseases.
Aside from this, fatty fish is also good for the brain function. Adding them to our diet will surely help reduce stress and depression and also promote proper blood circulation to our brain.

BERRIES- these contain antioxidants known as anthocyanins. They are highly effective for fighting inflammation in the body and also all round inclusive for which ever food lifestyle you may fall under.
Aside from reducing inflammation and curing future episodes of inflammation, they are also good for fighting cardiovascular diseases.
So, for those who are changing their diet, these maybe a good alternative to candy as you can dry them and eat them
Or for a healthy blended juice in the morning if you are trying to reduce on your sugar intake.
GINGER- very well known for its many medicinal properties, ginger is very effective for reducing inflammation in the body.
This happens to be my favorite one on the list because it’s my go to for almost any sickness
From flu, to yeast overgrowth and yes even period pains and I hear it’s very effective for pregnant women who suffer from morning sickness
Ginger contains properties known as gingerols that are known for reducing inflammation in the body and stop the inflammation pains in every part of the body where inflammation is present.
Also good for those that constantly struggle with constipation because it’s been proven to aid quick digestion and a well-functioning immune system as it helps maintain good bacteria which is good for our gut system.
AVOCADOS- research has even gone to prove that avocadoes are loaded with more potassium than bananas.
Very high in mono unsaturated fats that reduce cholesterol in the body as well as reduce inflammation in the joints of our body.
The mono unsaturated fats have also proven to be good for pregnant woman because studies have in fact shown that they help prevent Alzheimer’s and are good for brain development for the unborn baby.
The mono unsaturated fats found in avocadoes are also good for giving the body energy and help reduce the lethargic feeling that you may feel in the morning when consumed on a regular basis.

LEAFY GREENS- very alkalizing to the body, leafy greens are jam packed with folate and fiber which are very good for a smooth digestion.
This is why anyone regardless of whether you suffer from inflammation or not should really add them to your diet as they have multiple benefits.
Aside from that, leafy greens keep our microbiome in shape and most importantly, reduce inflammation.
They are very easy to add to any meal, from breakfast smoothies to a lunch salad and they leave you feeling energic and not give you the sleepy feeling you get after having certain meals.
GARLIC- widely also known for its medicinal properties, garlic is also good for boosting the immune system aside from reducing inflammation the body.
Reasons why is it recommended by health experts for people suffering from inflammation is because it contains quercetin
Which naturally inhibits histamine and sulfur compounds that highly stimulate the immune system to fight diseases and also, it adds a rich flavor to foods lol.
This is by far the easiest food on the list to add to just about anything you can eat so try it now and see how it works for you.
CHIA SEEDS- proven to be one of the best sources of fiber. Aside from that chia seeds are also an excellent source for the non-meat eaters to get their omega3 fatty acids.
As they are in most times rarely eating on their own, they can be added to smoothies or a good breakfast recommendation would be chia pudding.
Eaten on a regular basis, chia seeds have been proven to reduce inflammation in the body as well as aid good gut health in the body.
May I also add that they can be put in literally any smoothie you think of and the smoothie will still taste as delicious.
Of course, they are many more foods that reduce inflammation
These are just some of my favorite ones that I use time and time again and that I have personally used to work wonders for me in my times of need.
Whether you regularly suffer from inflammation or not, these are excellent foods to add to your diet for your overall well-being and digestion.

Having an over roll health aids prevention from a lot of diseases and improves one’s lifespan.
I must recommend however that is important to look for the most organic foods as often as well can if you want to experience the true benefits from them
As non-organic foods contain chemicals that are detrimental to our health.
Although this post was about reducing inflammation in the body, I must note that these foods also have many benefits and inflammation just happens to be one of them.
Some of the benefits are that you will feel more energic, some of the goods on the list have in fact shown to have people looking younger and give the skin a natural glow.
For those that are looking to lose weight these foods on the list may be an excellent source as they contain healthy fats
And all of them actually promote a fast metabolism and easily fight off any diseases in the body, so chances of you getting sick every so often may be reduced.
Great info! I try to incorporate many of these foods into my diet.
Great article regarding healthy food. Incorporating these foods are important. Thank you for sharing. 🤗
Pastor Natalie (ExamineThisMoment)