Let’s admit it, working from home seems like a good idea until you actually are doing it.
Don’t get me wrong it does have its pros, like for moms who are just loud noise away from their children lol
Or how about working in the comfort of your space with no one telling you what to do or how to do it, and let’s not forget snack and break time whenever you call for it.
However, without even realizing that the same things that look appealing are the same things that make us lose interest in working and may even cause us to be lazy.
It becomes really hard to separate work life from home life being that both happen in the same environment.
And sometimes as much as we want to be close to our loved ones, they maybe the same people that would distract us from or working duties.
So how then do we find the motivation and strength to stay consistent with our project and actually build the mindset to separate the two things that happen in the same environment.
I must admit that I also fell into the lazy category when I first started working from home until I realized that if progress was going to be made, some habits had to be broken.
CREATE AN OFFICE SPACE IN YOUR HOME- As much as it looks cute and glamorized on social media of people working on their beds and looking productive, it really isn’t the best idea in real life.
As a work from home person, it is important to separate your work space from your relaxing and fun space.
In that way, your able to train your brain to distinguish work from play while being in the same environment and help yourself to be more productive and not easily fall asleep.

GIVE YOURSELF A TIMETABLE- yes you might be working from home and mostly from the condition of your own hours, but it serves you best if you really treated in like a 9-5 of some sorts.
This can help you be creative and not burn out and over work yourself.
Sometimes it’s easy to overwork or underwork ourselves as there are no specific guidelines and rules especially for us who work for ourselves
By doing this , we can then be flexible with our lives and divide our time into doing other productive things outside our work and not feel like we are missing out on a lot of things.
LIMIT YOUR FOOD AND SNACK INTAKE- I must say, it really does get tempting to snack at any moment because of the easy access to food.
I noticed that by doing this, it really made me lazy and less productive and feel lethargic when working because I was always full
What I started to do in this case was pack my food for the day in advance and be strict with myself about it.
I noticed by using this method, it helped me concentrate more and feel even more energetic when working.
And give myself hours on which food was necessary to indulge in
DRESS LIKE YOU ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO WORK- it’s really tempting to develop a lazy Susie attitude when working from home.
When you’re in the comfort of your own space, it only feels right to wear your most comfortable pj’s while working.
But I noticed that doing that you less motivated to work because your body is in its most unproductive clothing so why would you feel productive.
By dressing up and actually wearing smart clothing really makes you feel productive and want to tackle some tasks, so try it.
PUTTING AWAY OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES THAT DISRUCT YOU- I think we can all admit that it’s easy to get carried away scrolling on social media.
It becomes even more tempting to stay on it for longer periods while working home because there is no one to snap us out of it
And by the time we know it, we would have wasted so much time being unproductive and feel less motived to work.
Phones and social media are really addictive
It is important to put away anything that would feel like a destruction to your work life and develop a healthy discipline to put it away during your work from home hours.
In that way you will be able to more productive and waste no time developing your craft.

CREATE YOURSELF AN EVERYDAY TO DO LIST- this method really helps you be motivated and stay on tract even with life in general.
There is just something that motivates you when you create a do list and actually complete it.
It also makes you stay up to date with a lot of things and makes you less forgetful of even the little tasks that you were supposed to do on that day.
This method may also help you plan on future things as well and help you actually plan on things that you are capable of doing on the day set
And helps you actually plan when to have free time to yourself and when you can be available to spend some quality time with the loved ones.
DISTANCE YOURSELF FROM ANYONE WHO’S A DISTRUCTION- working from home also means anyone can come in and out of your space without permission sometimes.
This may include or kids or our favorite cousin with the latest juicy information lol
Its important to create boundaries and actually let our loved ones know about our work from home schedule.
It is also very easy for us to get distracted especially with kids around but in this case
Look for someone who can help with the baby sitting and control the noise making or if help is not available
Provide some toys and activities for the little ones to enjoy under your supervision so its easy for you to work in peace.

ORGANISE YOUR WORK ENVIRONMENT- working from a clean space is an excellent way to motivate your spirit to do more.
A cluttered place makes it hard for one to work and makes one not want to work or do anything productive.
I suggest you clean up after the use of the space which should be after the end of your work schedule so that it’s nice and tidy for the next time you want to use it.
A work from home career definitely has its pros and cons. What needs to be established is balance and boundaries.
But with a well-established routine, a lot of things can be done to build your craft and help you reach your goals.
And sometimes, it really does get overwhelming working from the same environment
When that happens, its okay to work from a different location that will give you motivation ; like your favorite coffee shop or restaurant.
The main goal is to stay motivated in doing what you love, so that it does not feel like a heavy task at the end of the day.
The part about snacks!! Haha it really is super tempting to just snack all day when working from home!
Ikr lol
Great Article 👍🏿