Do you strongly believe in your heart that God is calling you to start your ministry? Have you prayed over it and found peace but are now facing nervousness and discouragement about where to begin?
It’s essential to remember that God has called you for a reason, knowing that you are fully capable of accomplishing the task.
If you are here and believe so, I have written a set of guidelines and motivational advice for you to believe and know that you have a calling from God regardless of all the challenges and doubts you are facing and know that regardless of what the enemy may try to plant in your mind
The promise of God still stands, you are still chosen, you were called to do the good works that the Lord has placed in you.
As Romans 8:31 (NIV) says, “If God is for me, who can be against me?” This verse reminds us that our faith in God means He stands by our side in all our endeavors.
Despite feeling lost or alone while figuring things out, we have the advantage of having God with us; He will never leave nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:8, NIV).
So, how can you confidently step into your ministry?
- Do Not Compete with Anyone: God has chosen you specifically for the industry He has called you into. While others may do similar work, they are not you. Each of us possesses a unique grace for our calling, and God doesn’t duplicate His plans. What has been done before was significant for its time, but God can do exceedingly abundantly beyond our imagination (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV). Expect God to outshine in your ministry. While it important from us to take lessons of the former things that were accomplished in the past, it is also important to know that new things are yet to be spoken or done through us, leaning on to the old ways only delays the messages that God intends for us to preach in this new generation. The important thing to ask God before you begin your ministry is what new and relevant topics does He want His people to know, try not to lean much on what is popular but instead, focus more on how God will use you as His mouth/hand piece in this season and time.
- God Will Send You the Right People: Just like Noah had a specific instruction from God to build the Ark, sometimes God provides instructions without the full story. A success story begins with one step. Don’t worry about how people will find your work; focus on doing your part. In due time, God will send the right people and connections to elevate your ministry. Remember you are only a vessel to the Lord’s kingdom, if He has told you to do something, then He knows the due season that He will let His people know about it. Yes, sometimes, it feels stressful when you are building and see no results to what you are doing. One thing to note in this season is that if truly if it’s from God, He will not embarrass you, because Him not fulfilling the promise that He has placed on your life would be that He is a liar. So, during this time, practice the act of active waiting, this means that you are to do exactly what the Lord tells you to do, but also don’t lean on your own ways or draw away from His presence, as more instruction will be revealed to you. God only revels to us in part, it is up to us to have faith to believe that He is the God of all things possible and He stand true to His word.

- Remember It’s for His Glory: If you’ve started seeing results, congratulations! But again, always remember that you are a vessel of God. Your success is possible only through His strength. Stay humble and give credit to God for your achievements. His Favor manifests when we remain in Him and pursue righteousness. As many people start to leave the presence of God when they see results, it is important to remember that what God gives God can take away, a heart of maturity to know that this here is a temporal home and eternity waits for us in the future, and while we are here let us represent His kingdom with John 3v30 in our mind “more of Him and less of us”. Tap into His presence daily and ask Him for ways which He can shine through your life to others.
- Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes: Mistakes are part of learning and growth. You’re not perfect, but God can guide you through your mistakes. Lean on Him for direction and wisdom. The best stories are ones with imperfections and many mistakes. But its all about how we can bounce back from those mistakes. Perfection has never been relatable; people draw closer to stories of others when they know that they too went through similar situations and how they came out from the other side. God allowed you to go through those mistakes so you can have testimony to share and teach others of the grace that He gives through the journey, so shying away from telling those stories and trying to present a perfect life will only do more harm than good to your ministry.
- Don’t Listen to the Naysayers: Negative people often appear when you’re on the right path. Stay strong, remember your vision, and know that God entrusted it to you. In the beginning, people may not understand what you are doing and thus begin to form their own opinion about certain things and how you should instead go about certain ways, but remember, it’s God who gave you the vision and not them. Great people are the ones who keep the faith regardless of what anyone says to them, like I mentioned, yes sometimes it gets difficult to keep the faith, so, if it necessary, avoid people that will try to make you think twice about what God said over your promise, remember, not everyone is meant to be on the journey to your promised land, ask God to bring people in your life that have the anointing to see the vision that He has placed on your life and seek guidance and comfort from them in times of doubt. Also, no one wants your calling to succeed more than God, again remember, it is His kingdom that you are representing to the people and not your opinions or agenda. Keep these three things in mind whenever you face trials and tribulations from the enemy:
1.God’s promises don’t fail
2. His word will never return to Him void
3. His grace and mercy will protect you through the journey
I will end with this, go out and fulfill what God has placed on your heart.
Trials and tribulations are temporary; you were meant to follow His calling, so don’t let anyone deter you, no one has the unique ability to fulfil what the Lord wants you to fulfil through you
Ware all destined for great things and greatness is equally important to the kingdom of God as much as the next person .
I really loved this thank you so much.
Your article helped me a lot, thank you for writing it… much love