Ephesians 2:8-9 teaches us that we are saved by grace through faith; it’s not of our own doing, but a gift from God.
It’s not by our works, so we can’t boast. For God’s grace to manifest in our lives, faith is a key factor.
As one can and only will be accepted into the kingdom when they truly believe that Jesus did die for their sins, He did rise on the third day and He is the only way to God.
Christian Journey is a faith journey. A faith Journey to believe that yes, God has the power to turn the situation around even when things don’t look promising.
Knowing that trusting God in every season you are in will not mean that you will understand what is doing on, but looking back
When you reach the stage of your life, you will begin to understand why your faith and obedience was necessary at that time.
Every time Jesus performed a healing miracle, He told people, “Your faith has healed you and made you well.”
Jesus had, and still has, an abundance of grace ready, but if those seeking healing lacked faith, the miracle wouldn’t occur.
The same applies to us today. God hears our prayers and knows our desires, but prayer alone isn’t enough for manifestation; we must believe in Him as the Son of God and fully trust in Him.
We must also recognize that His grace, through our faith, aligns with His will for our lives. God won’t grant us everything we desire simply because we believe in Him.
Our desires must align with His purpose to experience the overflow of His grace. Although He is a giving father, He gives what is best and not what is wanted.
Yes, sometimes it may seem like it was not fair on His part to not give you what you wanted in the moment, but as you mature and grow closer to Him
You will then realize as to how much the very thing we wanted would have either delayed us or removed us from the purpose that God has for us.
God knows from the beginning to the end; all He requires from us is to actually have faith that He will take us to the very thing we hope for even though sometimes doing it our own way would seem easier in the moment.
In Matthew 17:20, Jesus tells us that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.
This reveals God’s immense love for us because sometimes, circumstances make it challenging to pray optimistically.
However, God’s grace doesn’t demand an overwhelming amount of faith from us. Often, 99% of His grace suffices with just 1% of our faith.

God knows the challenges that we faith in this world and how its hard to believe in the moment because of how much the enemy will try and distract us from the destination.
Our tendency is to underestimate God’s power, forgetting that He created the entire universe with His words.
He can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. He’s accessible if we’re willing to offer our small faith to His vast reservoir of grace.
Being also that He breathed life into the words written by other ancestors in the bible, meaning, we can use scripture to stand on and believe that He can and will do it
As the bible says, no word spoken shall return to Him void. Even with the heart of doubt, stand on scripture and see that the word of God is real and it is living and active even till this day and time
The beauty of God’s grace is that it’s unearned; we don’t need to work for God’s love. However, we perform good works not for recognition but because of our faith in His kingdom and our desire to represent it.
It is such a beautiful experience to encounter the presence of God that it becomes hard to just keep it yourself.
A truest and richest form of love that you would want everyone to experience, especially coming from the patterns of the world that will tell you to use your own strength to bring into your life and “manifest” and yet God wants to carry every burden that we hold and think that we can solve on our own.
Faith allows the Holy Spirit to guide us in God’s will, and God’s grace empowers us to obey. Our obedience determines the speed of our breakthroughs.
God works in partnership with us, and disobedience delays progress. God is always punctual, and fear is a destructive force that hinders His work.
We must have faith and witness His mighty works. And sometimes it helps to look back at all the times He came came through just as He promised He would.
God should not be limited to a time or season; He has never failed and He surely wont start now.
God loves us too much to fail us, especially in a world that mocks Him and doesn’t believe in His existence, we must ought to always remember that we are a representation of His kingdom
The world needs to know now more than ever in the true power of God and all that He can do, and it requires us to stand on our faith in His kingdom and boldly speak and declare it to the masses regardless of what anyone else says.

It’s vital to remember that God is present for those who remain faithful. By building a daily relationship with Him, our faith grows, and we grasp the true significance of being children of God.
We shouldn’t boast about God’s daily grace because we’re no different from others. While God rewards us based on our obedience, His grace is the same for everyone.
We need not compare ourselves to others. Without His grace through our faith, we remain in sin’s grip.
And therefore, it is also important to not look down at people who are still living in an alternate lifestyle
Remember we too at one point thought what we were doing what was progressive and healing to our souls.
It very unfair to God and to us to outcast and choose who we should know about the love of God as it is free for all
Remember the good works that we do will not result in us receiving the extra attention that we need from God, but rather
Through the act of faith and believing that He will give us the grace to do the works that He has set us out to do.
He knows what is beneficial to His kingdom and not us. So let us continue to believe in the kingdom of God, let us grow closer to like-minded people who will encourage us in our faith journey and who will want to represent the kingdom of God just has much as we would like to.
As I have continued to preach this, the kingdom of God was never meant to be done alone, having a like-minded community really brings comfort and hope to know that we can do this, that we can stand on His word even when it looks tough sometimes.
God is real and God is present, and all His needs from us is to have faith that He can move mountains.
Thanks for this!